"I just watched this TV Show" Thread

Discussion in 'Entertainment Lounge' started by Jeffy, May 4, 2009.

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  1. _Banga_ B Desh

  2. Harvez HJ Hebditch

    Mock The Week, funniest show.
  3. MASTERS S Masters

  4. Julian BJ Taylor

    Spent yesterday in a half asleep half awake haze.

    Chicks had Trinny and Susannah on in the background. Worst show. And both moles.
  5. Julian BJ Taylor

  6. BigGuns DA Astele

    Watched this show on Showcase, Hung. Stars Thomas Jane (The Punisher etc) pretty funny, Hes a down on his luck HS basketball coach who moonlights as a male prositute (straight), hes fully amatuer but has a big slug.
  7. Julian BJ Taylor

    Dead Set.

    ****ing gun show.

    Should be more good zombie films/shows.
  8. MASTERS S Masters

    <input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden">
  9. brettman135 BR Hall

    Survivor Samoa.
  10. crowley DA Crowley

    Watched The Office. First episode I've seen and I thought it was OK, better than the English version I'd have to say.
  11. BigGuns DA Astele

    Finale of True Blood season 2.
  12. Sizzler WD Robinson

  13. BigGuns DA Astele

    Mighty fine show. Finales are a double edged sword, you get right into it, but deep down you know your getting set up for 6 months of waiting.
  14. brettman135 BR Hall

    Family Guy
  15. MASTERS S Masters

    The Shak
  16. Snake A Vago

    Whats it about? Everything is better if you add zombies:p
  17. brettman135 BR Hall

    Cleveland Brown show.
  18. Eggman DA Eggman

    Contestants in the Big Brother House are stuck there because of the Zombie out break on the out side.
  19. MASTERS S Masters

    how was the cleveland brown show?
  20. Howsie DP Howell

    Anyone watch V last night, seems like it might be pretty decent.
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