2020 NRL Season

Discussion in 'The Cesspit: Rugby League Discussion' started by Maroon_Faithful, Oct 7, 2019.

  1. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    Because if he was totally failing at it in attack you could argue that shifting him to centre for Origin is too big a risk when he might be woefully out of form. But he's not.

    If he's going to play fullback for club then you at least still want to see him breaking tackles, scoring and setting up tries etc. It's relevant.
  2. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    The longer this game stays a one score match, the more you'd think St George could do something against this depleted Easts side.
  3. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    Er, thats ridiculous from Manu.
  4. Magic AJ Parker

    Radley is such a huge loss, we are a significantly weaker side without him.

    Can see Dragons snatching this one too with the state that back line is in at the moment.
  5. morgieb MC Burridge

    McGregor to get another extension :p
  6. Magic AJ Parker

    Remove the emotion from it mate. These are just facts and when the facts change so should your opinion.
  7. Magic AJ Parker

    Luke Keary is undeniably the best half in the game.

    That title certainly carries less weight than is has in any period of the game in recent memory but it's true.

    Call me biased Cribb. idgaf.
    Cribbage likes this.
  8. morgieb MC Burridge

    At this point I think him not really wanting to play for NSW is irrelevant. He has to be picked as he's so far ahead of any other option.
  9. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    I dont care about him being a good or bad fullback.

    Nothing you stated about that specific incident was factual. Nor the one in the Roosters game. You're just putting the worst possible spin on everything he does.

    Oh, one of his socks wasnt pulled up - clearly he has an attitude problem. Tell it to the NSW coach. You're grasping at straws to support picking Wighton.
  10. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    Wow Newcastle. Just wow.
  11. Magic AJ Parker

    Socks down is definitely an attitude issue. Delusional thinking that it looks good.

    I said I would pick him, that's why I'm saying just calm it down you've got too much emotion attached to it you're jumping to assumptions.
  12. Magic AJ Parker

    I've kind of softened my stance on this. Most likely because he's won us a couple of prems but he also came out earlier this year and said he would never move back to Qld on the back of other interviews where he has stated that he sees himself as a New South Welshmen, really wants to represent NSW etc. so he's saying all the right things... I would hope Freddy has had the convo behind closed doors and ascertained just how genuine he is.

    If he's picked tbh I think I'm going to be OK with it.
  13. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    So you go from saying he shouldn't be picked to saying he should, which is what I've been saying all along, but I need to change my opinion when the facts change.

    K, cool.
  14. Magic AJ Parker

    lol this win puts the Cowboys in the 8.

    I really like their spine, feels like they can build a really strong future around those kids. Going to get a lot of inconsistency out of them over the next few years but plenty of talent.
  15. Magic AJ Parker

    Did I say I wouldn't pick him?
  16. Toolman TR Man

    The Keary/Mitchell argument is funny because MF had issue with Keary in relation to his possible 'attitude' in playing for NSW, but has no issue with Mitchell's attitude. I can promise you that one is far worse than the other. Furthermore the same argument against Keary basically applies to all aboriginals.. and actually we have seen some weight to that argument. Because of their disloyalty to anglo statehood, sometimes we have seen the abos put too much energy arguing against the state or nation and consequently put in a lazy performance on the field. I do agree with MF on that point that aboriginals should be criticised and analysed more harshly before selection.
  17. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

  18. Magic AJ Parker

  19. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful


    Sorry when did Mitchell say he wanted to play for QLD and/or say he didn't want to play for NSW? Come on, you cunts are just getting more and more ridiculous here.
  20. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    Surely you recall. Do I really have to go and look for them?

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