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Jan 23, 2025
Jan 17, 2011
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HBK Teja

Teja. was last seen:
Jan 23, 2025
    1. Jager
      Teja, interested in joining the AFL Sim?
    2. Uppercut
      Haha you sounded fine, and the thread was an invitation to sound pompous anyway. I just meant it's embarrassing for me to read that then come in and say "yeah I'm great at Fifa".

      If you do want to get into poker these guys will give you a free $50 to begin with. It's where I started. See where it takes you.

      Would definitely recommend. It didn't make me rich but it got me an education I couldn't have afforded otherwise. And you learn a lot about yourself playing poker.
    3. Howe
    4. Howe
      Is Game of Thrones that complicated? It's lots and lots of story, yes, but it's not convoluted. Its three or four plot threads are mostly separate. Quite a few shows do that, Heroes for example.

      The Wire, though? No. You'll need a novel.
    5. Weeman27bob

      It was definitely worth it.
    6. MrPrez
      "Boyce Avenue is terrible."

      I hate you :(
    7. Baxter
      Haha, was going to say, I look nothing like him!

      Not that I knew who he was until I searched google by image haha
    8. Captain
      I like the pretty boy covers.
    9. Skippos
      Hmm, yes - you're correct I guess. I've never met an Indian person that's been anything but selfish, greedy, biased and idiotic in my life in Australia (and I've met plenty) and been burnt by a ton as well. I find it difficult to rationalise than Indians might not all be like the ones I've met. There are a few on the internet who fit the 'not like those I've met category' though - so hopefully I'll get past it as it's a major vice of mine.

      As a result, I generalise due to the 'sample' of Indians I've met all being the same. I do apologise though.

      You probably weren't looking for an extended response but hopefully it makes a little bit of sense as to why I 'act' the way I do.

      But yeah the generalisation is more a result of me just quickly typing messages in the heat of the moment and not thinking.

      I'm trying to stop it, I really am!

      If there's anything more you were 'wondering' about, feel free to further comment/make statements :)!
    10. Cribbage

      thegameofcricket.net, rlempire.com and seasonalrugby.com should also work. Others too, probably :P
    11. Pretzel
      <3 thank you brah
    12. Pretzel
      Is this a gee-up# are you drunk Teja# what have I done# I canät figure out this German kezboard so apologies
    13. weldone
      Ah OK. I'm not an expert in the Law front, but I consider myself quite knowledgeable in the subject of financial derivatives. And I believe what you've in this regard. Even the Income Tax rules for options and futures are not well-explained, and doesn't cover much. There's a huge scope of improvement in that regard in our country I think.
    14. Captain
      just to get the overseas experience. singapore is lame.
    15. Cribbage
      Hahahaha I said in the other thread that I was waiting for you to comment.

      It would be rather ironic though, surely, given why it's actually there...
    16. Captain
      My hands are big enough for the S3

      And you know what they say about guys with big hands :naughty:
    17. Captain
      on the other hand it's easy to beat a person who sucks
    18. GIMH
    19. Captain
      It was a great phone, but the home button gave me issues in the latter stages.

      Ask Chewie, he had one too iirc and he knows more about phones than I do
    20. Shri
      It doesn't matter what you do really as long as you neither under-do it nor overdo it. Make sure that you exercise with good position, technique(to avoid injuries) but most of all good intensity even if you exercise only for 45 minutes a day for 3-4 days a week. Don't be the gym chatterbox, every experienced person in the gym would hate you and the noobs will love you. Don't fuck around and just do your thing and get out. Speaking from experience.:p
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