Attn: CPL team owners

Discussion in 'CPL Cricket' started by Cribbage, May 19, 2011.

  1. Cribbage RG Cribb

    This thread from back in '08 makes so much more sense now. Especially the ITO.
  2. Cribbage RG Cribb

    Haha he has pretty good stats though. I think Gazza had heard of him because he carves up on the ICC games (due to his good stats).
  3. Bedsey JB Dempsey

  4. Phlegm SP Phlegm

    Yep, Sachin Rana is awesome on ICC.

    Keen on pairing up with Athers or Gaz.
  5. HeathDavisSpeed HT Davis

    I'll volunteer BLERTA's services to Athers.
  6. Gazza GJ Weaver

    Correct, and plus he has amazing stats according to cricinfo too.
  7. Phlegm SP Phlegm

    Phoenix/Squirts Gaz?

    I have Dougeh.
  8. Cribbage RG Cribb

    Gaz not going with Eds would be really retarded IMO. :p
  9. Gazza GJ Weaver

    It could most definitely be an option.

    Although it would be silly to. :ninja:
    Last edited: May 19, 2011
  10. Athlai JJD Heads

    I'm the most popular Belle of the ball, but what the hell does this all mean?
  11. Cribbage RG Cribb

    Positions vacant thread explains it all much better.
  12. Phlegm SP Phlegm

    Please don't land me with Morgie or Veri.
  13. Athlai JJD Heads

    Veri to pick better players than you.
  14. Farny AP Farnsworth

    I'm happy to team up with pretty much anyone other than Veri...
  15. Julian BJ Taylor

    I'll join up with Ince if he's happy enough with it.
  16. Verigoat S Verigotta

    Cheers man
  17. Ged GEC King

    Wanna team up?
  18. Mousey AJ Son

  19. Incey BC Jacobs

    Keen for some beers.
  20. Verigoat S Verigotta

    I wouldnt take you ya cunt

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