Battle of the Video Game Characters

Discussion in 'Entertainment Lounge' started by Jager, Feb 13, 2013.

  1. Captain SSD Dong

    Cause in the video game it's a stretch to call him a character
  2. MASTERS S Masters

    what would you call him then ?
  3. Captain SSD Dong

    bunch of pixels that resembles a character from the comic book series/anime
  4. Bender BG Herd

    the games came first..
  5. Mousey AJ Son

    Red is a different person to Ash anyway
  6. Evilhoopler NR Chance

    Red is the ace trainer
    Ash is a mediocre Trainer
  7. Escath LE Schaw

    Red was a pushover in Silver.

    Ash does suck though. X seasons in and Pikachu still loses battles.
  8. Arheiner SIA Yates

    Coupled with the fact it's still probably his strongest pokemon.
  9. Jager LO Townsend

    Coupled with the fact he never evolves his Pokemon properly.
  10. Evilhoopler NR Chance

    Coupled with the fact he is ultimately friend zoned.
  11. Escath LE Schaw

    Hunter == Ash??
  12. Mousey AJ Son

    :laugh: Why wasn't this joke made sooner?
  13. Escath LE Schaw

    Wow, just saw when that post was made. CricSim is getting slow.
  14. Droos JP Rhodes


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