Cricsim Tipping Competition

Discussion in 'CricSim Cricket' started by 99*, Feb 6, 2010.

  1. Boobidy BJ Gemmell

    Not many people have tipped us in the HC. Most have tipped us in the BS.
  2. Alej AMYO Parero

    Cyclones vs Gamblers
    Pumas vs SW XI
    Stingrays vs Crusaders
    Vipers vs Ravens

    Cyclones vs Gamblers
    Pumas vs SW XI
    Stingrays vs Crusaders
    Vipers vs Ravens

    Cyclones vs Gamblers
    Pumas vs SW XI
    Stingrays vs Crusaders
    Vipers vs Ravens
  3. Alej AMYO Parero

    Cyclones vs Gamblers
    Pumas vs SW XI
    Stingrays vs Crusaders
    Vipers vs Ravens

    Cyclones vs Gamblers
    Pumas vs SW XI
    Stingrays vs Crusaders
    Vipers vs Ravens

    Cyclones vs Gamblers
    Pumas vs SW XI
    Stingrays vs Crusaders
    Vipers vs Ravens
  4. Verigoat S Verigotta

    Ye I agree you have a good chance at BS. And I can see why the Gamblers players tip you for HC. But jsut seems a bit strange for the non gamblers to say you lot @ HC when you dont seem to have a good HC team
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2010
  5. nz0003 JR Denton

    That post was bloody confusing.
  6. 99* JJ Ritchie


    No, doing it the old fashoned way. It's just that I have 50 MB left on my contract and that has to last til the 22nd, so coming on-line to get all the tips is cutting away at that slowly.
  7. Verigoat S Verigotta

    Just read it, and you are correct. I am a retard
  8. Wilson SB Wilson

    BS - Cyclones, Pumas, Stingrays, Vipers

    HC - Cyclones, Stickies, Stingrays, Vipers

    ALC - Cyclones, Pumas, Stingrays, Vipers
  9. Andato BJT Manera

    Cyclones vs Gamblers
    Pumas vs SW XI
    Stingrays vs Crusaders
    Vipers vs Ravens

    Cyclones vs Gamblers
    Pumas vs SW XI
    Stingrays vs Crusaders
    Vipers vs Ravens

    Cyclones vs Gamblers
    Pumas vs SW XI
    Stingrays vs Crusaders
    Vipers vs Ravens
  10. the_killerz S Bakkum

    Good to see you have faith.
  11. 99* JJ Ritchie

    Right, that'll do. Time is up.
  12. 99* JJ Ritchie

    After three games, only four people remain perfect, BoyBlunder, Kegdrinker, eddie and Hughesy.

    On the other hand, BigDougy, Luffers and Alej are yet to get off the mark.
  13. Skippos SM Morgan

    I'm on one :(

    If you ever need help with this 99* just ask
  14. Hughesy JM Hughes

    Am I good or am I good :D?
  15. Skippos SM Morgan

    wait till the end of the round and/or season before proclaiming such things
  16. Hughesy JM Hughes

    I had no idea I just went the opposite to everyone else in this one.
  17. Das09 S Das

    2/3 so far for me.
  18. Eddie EI Morris

  19. 99* JJ Ritchie


    Not so perfect now.
  20. Eddie EI Morris

    Yeah :S

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