CricSim's favourite

Discussion in 'Entertainment Lounge' started by GYR, Aug 15, 2012.

  1. AVA T Delonge

    Community v Seinfeld
    Arrested Development
    v Simpsons
  2. Captain SSD Dong

  3. TBra TJ Bradford

    Last edited: Aug 22, 2012
  4. Alec AD Funkotron

    Good, there's no point in keeping a show that has turned turd going on life support. Same thing happened with Scrubs.
  5. Wilson SB Wilson

    Season 9 of Scrubs wasn't that bad.
  6. Starris ER Starris

    alas I am a huge Scubs fan and yes the last season or so did go downhill... they didn't have the full cast and it felt like it was mssing something...

    I used to love cox's rants and his never ending battle with kelso...
  7. Alec AD Funkotron

    It wasn't really never ending, because it did end and they became bros.
  8. Wilson SB Wilson

    Which was awesome. Kelso was a boss later on.
  9. Mousey AJ Son

    AWTA. I never really felt it dragged. Last season was obviously different, but I still enjoyed it.
  10. Tartmaster AJ James


    Hate the cunts who just think "OMG, JD isn't in every episode, ITS SHIT!!".

    It was still a good show, obviously not as good as the earlier seasons but still a fuckload better than most shit out these days.
  11. Starris ER Starris

    Kelso, Cox, the janitor and the lawyer made that show!!!
    The others were all good too but I think you needed those guys to really make it awesome.
  12. Wilson SB Wilson

    JD and Turk made the show, don't you dare say otherwise.
  13. MatthewJay TA Miokovic

  14. Starris ER Starris

    their the main two yes... and their bromance was hilarious... reid was fantastic two... but can you imagine the show without the janitor's harrasment or cox moaning about someting or dishing out some long winded lecture... or kelso dreaming about that hooker in asia... or ted and his barbershop quartet... come on - it wouldn't have lasted a 2nd season without these guys.
  15. MASTERS S Masters

    JD and Turk made the show, but LOVED JD/Janitor ripping each other as well as Kelso/Cox thing and love Todd as well
  16. Starris ER Starris

    the todd... forgot about him... forgetful five!!!
    and those dodge banana hamocks
  17. MASTERS S Masters

    and the high fives
  18. GYR DW Lewis

    Voting for the semi finals is now over:

    Semi Final 1: Community v Seinfeld

    Community - 7
    Seinfeld - 11

    Winner and Finalist number 1: Seinfeld

    Semi Final 2: Arrested Development v The Simpsons

    Arrested Development - 10

    The Simpsons - 11

    Winner and Finalist number 2: The Simpsons
  19. GYR DW Lewis

    Well the Simpsons just edges out AD which was expected to make the final. So now we have this final:

    Seinfeld v The Simpsons

    Let the voting begin!
  20. GYR DW Lewis

    Seinfeld v Simpsons

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