Wow... I only just realised what this thread was. I always wondered why barely any one here played Battrick. Fucking mind..... blown...
Yea any youth with a bit of promise seems to sell high at the start of the season. Guilty of it myself with promotion money + a deluxe youth acad.
Jesus this game. Invested so much fkn time into it and then went afk for a few weeks not knowing my membership was up and lost my team I remember when I got to number 1 in the world. Was glorious.
He quit too I thought. Actually apparently he created a new team like 6 weeks ago. Seems like a challenge to Skippos to me.
Absolutely no chance. Moved to the Netherlands recently, don't have time for this stuff. I'll play clash royale on the mobile and that's about all I can do.
Player Age Nat # BT Role End Bat Bowl Tech Power Keep Field Capt Exp Fatg Form Wage Rating Asif Aliyy 28 1 lf wclas ordin wclas wclas wclas poor spect accom legen rest reli $25,551 70,013 Farman Alam 28 2 rfm excep outs excep excep excep avg outs reas legen reviv reas $20,908 73,545 Johan Vink 28 3 rfs wclas outs excep excep accom dread outs poor legen reviv reas $22,709 69,510 Tabish Rafi 28 4 rfm wclas reli excep excep excep poor spect outs elite rest reas $18,779 70,857 Frans Croonenbergh 27 6 rws outs poor wclas wclas avg ordin spect capab excep ener avg $21,871 58,728 John O'Keefe 28 7 rfm wclas poor excep excep wclas dread spect ordin excep rest avg $18,732 66,189 Tom Wiersma 28 10 rfs wclas excep dread excep wclas wclas spect ordin legen pass reas $24,922 76,928 Jaylon Bass 28 11 rfs wclas excep ordin excep wclas ordin excep reas legen rest avg $21,688 70,845 Ashok Khanolkar 28 12 rfs wclas excep dread excep wclas dread spect capab excep reviv capab $18,129 64,949 Everton Mbwando 28 13 rfs wclas excep poor excep wclas poor spect outs legen ener reli $23,328 68,229 Berhanu wa Kitonga 28 14 rm wclas excep ordin excep wclas poor spect reas legen ener reas $18,401 67,762 Coen Goudknaap 28 16 rfm wclas excep dread excep wclas dread spect reas wclas rest reas $19,191 65,210 Current squad. Getting owned come rep time....
Barely, the game's being significantly changed now Crowfan runs it so I'm excited for the future though. New format (youth t20) and youth rules (20 year olds are now also youths) enter play this season which is just starting.
My Wk0 pull for the youth farm: Add this player to your bookmarks Southern Squirrels >> 80. Yoeri Cohnen >> Details Player Info 16 years | 29,848 rating | $1,374 wage (5% discount) Right hand batsman | Right arm Medium Talents Gifted (Keeping) Nationality Netherlands Netherlands Form reasonable Fatigue rested Experience poor Captaincy ordinary Skills Summary Batsman ordinary Bowler poor Keeper average Allrounder ordinary Notes Skills Batting reasonable Endurance ordinary Bowling ordinary Technique poor Keeping reasonable Power ordinary Fielding reasonable Which is....holy shit.
Yeah I have one of the best youth sides in the game atm and just farm U20's for senior sides. That is a fucking amazing week 1 pull, would probably buy him off you if you listed. Guy like that with 5 seasons in a deluxe youth academy would be a superstar.