League of Legends Draft

Discussion in 'Entertainment Lounge' started by Escath, Apr 15, 2012.

  1. Doog J McDougal

  2. Bender BG Herd

  3. Escath LE Schaw

  4. Jabba HJ Bots

  5. Jabba HJ Bots

    like my team

    Mundo,Urgot,Udyr all do the damages and are really tanky.

    Janna #1 support
    Karthus #1 late game ap carry
  6. Escath LE Schaw

  7. Humble SA Humble

    Bots going Karthus for troll Ult haha
  8. jazman84 JM Eightyfour

    So how are we going to decide who has the best team here?

    Personally I think this would work:
    People list their teams like this;
    Champ 1
    Champ 2
    Champ 3
    Champ 4
    Champ 5

    And say what the strengths and weaknesses of each pick is, then does the same with everyone else's team. That way everyone has a decent concept of each team.

    Then after that we have a round robin vote-off, obviously you aren't allowed to vote in a match with your own team.

    There may be only a few wins separating the top perhaps a top-4 finals series. to decide the winner.

  9. Chewie JA Chewie

    Tweet/tumblr some professional on a small team and ask

    Post on reddit and hope some people reply

    Or what jazman said

    And then we play a ranked 5 game with those 5 champs and see if we win
  10. Escath LE Schaw

    Yeah that sounds good
  11. Jabba HJ Bots

    TOP: UDYR; can play jungle or top,high amount of sustain, counter jungles, can get around map insanely fast, godlike at peeling in team fights
    Jungle: Mundo; can play top or jungle but top isn't that great, insane clear times counter jungles, godlike at peeling in team fights
    Mid: Karthus; strongest ap carry late game interms of power
    Bot: Urgot; generally tankiness, huge output damage in early levels
    Support: Janna; best support, insane peeler, gives urgot extra damage early on.

    Top: Udyr, suffers against ap champs who have large aoe
    Jungle Mundo; if he misses the cleaver ganks are pretty hard
    Mid Karthus; sucks ass at clearing in first 3 levels, very blue dependent and extremely gankable
    Bot: Janna , urgot. No heal, Mid game sucks balls and late game urgot does not do alot of damage to their tanks.

    Pushing ability is reasonably good (udyr and mundo towers will fall), poke (karthus Urgot) very hard hitters if teams group up early, engage (janna,mundo,urgot,karthus,udyr) all contribute to this with their speed buffs, slows and switches. Disengage (janna) knockback OP
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2012
  12. stupersteve03 SJ Cambridge

    Jabba to realise that Janna nerfs have hurt her peel a decent amount.
  13. Chewie JA Chewie

    She's still the best support if played right
  14. Jabba HJ Bots

    Janna has so much cc similar to ali. If Janna/ali and the rest of their team catch your team in a bad spot she can shureliyas and send your team going all different directions trying to escape.
  15. Chewie JA Chewie

    The knockup and pushback were nerfed but they are still powerful
  16. Jabba HJ Bots

    they don't even have to be strong they just have to slow down the person who you are chasing.

    like ali when you play him as support you don't really give a shit what damage you do in fights your job is to makesure people cannot get away or go onto someone so they don't do the damages to your carries
  17. stupersteve03 SJ Cambridge

    it wasnt a damage nerf, it was a cc nerf. The knock back radius on the ult is considerably smaller, and the knock up "hieght" is now dependant on charge time, so in team fights/chasing escaping it is heaps less powerful.

    I am not saying she is weak, but taric alistair and soraka are probably better atm imo.
  18. jazman84 JM Eightyfour

    As far as supports go, out of the popular picks there really isn't a No. 1 IMO. It all really depends on how well the bottom lane comp synergy and how well you can execute your strategy.

    Then there is the jungler variable...

    It helps to be better than your opponent too!
  19. Bender BG Herd

  20. Doog J McDougal


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