NBA 2k13

Discussion in 'Entertainment Lounge' started by Rego, May 31, 2012.

  1. Rego RS Hutchinson

    Fully wish I had some monies.
  2. Storer BA Storer

    Sell your webcam videos.
  3. Hunter AD Hunt

    Just got a text from the JBhifi that I ordered this at saying my order has arrived. Strange considering the release date is tomorrow. None the less I'm going to go in. Rage to ensue if they say I can't have it until tomorrow.
  4. Mousey AJ Son

    They might ninja sale it early to steal customers from EB.
  5. Storer BA Storer

    Would be smart, tbh.
  6. Hunter AD Hunt

    Who has two thumbs and is playing NBA2k13?

    This guy! :thumbup:
  7. Storer BA Storer

  8. Freddy MJ Johns

    Controls different to 2k12?
  9. Gazza GJ Weaver

    How does it rate over 2k11?
  10. Hunter AD Hunt

    Never played 2k12. One thing is the right stick is now for ball moves and shit so you have to hold LT to shoot.

    So far so good. Going through the whole my player setup and shit atm.
  11. Hunter AD Hunt

    Can be a point forward, gun.
  12. Freddy MJ Johns

    Same as 2k11. That's good, I never used the shot stick timer and I struggled with ball moves. One of the downfalls of playing nba live up till 09 before switching to 2k.
  13. Hunter AD Hunt

    Getting interviewed by teams that may pick you in the draft is pretty cool.
  14. Hunter AD Hunt

    Appears myself (and many others according to google) are getting a bug where the game freezes when you select to quit after finishing your first game. Dire.
  15. Storer BA Storer

    Even if you reload the save game?
  16. Hunter AD Hunt

    Indeed. Apparently they're trying to resolve the issue and there's also an online scoreboard issue according to Ronnie 2ks twitter.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2012
  17. Mousey AJ Son

    That was in 2K12 too, but I imagine they've improved it.
  18. Storer BA Storer

    More in depth, I think.
  19. Freddy MJ Johns

    You can be drafted no.1 now.
  20. Gazza GJ Weaver

    Yeah, Smoove got drafted #1 by the Hornets then they told him he was gonna start on the bench

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