Pokemon Sim

Discussion in 'Forum Games and Activities' started by Howe, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. Mariner CL Warrington

    Looking forward to getting my PM and stuff. Team goals sound interesting...
  2. Teacups CJ Evans

    Huh? I didn't receive the PM yet?

  3. Cribbage RG Cribb

    Mousey has trolled he whole thread IMO, no-one has got a PM.
  4. Teacups CJ Evans

    I think Mousey meant to forward the PM to me but forgot to. Mousey WAC.
  5. Weeman27bob BE Force

    I've definitely got a PM.
  6. Cribbage RG Cribb

    Force is in on the troll.
  7. Teacups CJ Evans

    It just seems like a typical Mousey thing to do. Get excited about the PM and then forget what he was about to do.


    Mousey send me the PM when you're next on :wub: I'm actually quite excited.
  8. Speirz DG Speirs

    Howe trolling all of us.
  9. Weeman27bob BE Force

    Yeah, you're right.


    This PM is just about the other pokemon sim on the site.
  10. Mariner CL Warrington


    Your font looks a bit different to mine there.
  11. Cribbage RG Cribb

    Yeah, because that's conclusive evidence of you receiving a PM....
  12. Teacups CJ Evans

    Cribb just jelly that others received the PM before him IMO.

    Don't bea jelly Cribb.
  13. Cribbage RG Cribb

    Dude you didn't receive a PM either so shut yo mouth.
  14. Teacups CJ Evans

    Irrelevant. I'm not being jelly and calling the sim a troll because of it.
  15. Weeman27bob BE Force

    Are you suggesting I photoshopped it, or that the PM doesn't contain what I say it does?

    I can't share the content with you though, because it specifically says not to share with others unless specifically instructed too. I mean, I know that sounds completely like I'm trolling and everything but I'm sure you'll get the same when your PM does come.

    You can even ask Howe if you'd like. I don't see why he'd not have mentioned it if I was actually trolling, but he should be able to confirm I have received a proper PM from him.
  16. Cribbage RG Cribb

    I'm not calling the sim a troll. It's a real sim. It just hasn't started yet.

    I'm just calling Mousey a troll. And Force apparently.
  17. Cribbage RG Cribb

    Lol @ serious reply.

    I'm taking the piss, relax.
  18. Teacups CJ Evans

  19. Dirk Diggler DM Diggler

    Leave him for me
  20. Weeman27bob BE Force

    I take accusations of trolling very seriously and view it as a deformation of my character.

    I'm currently in consultations with my lawyers over pressing libel charges.

    However, I will accept an out of court settlement in the form of a ton in the ALC game tomorrow. :ninja:

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