Rogue Squadron Mafia Game Thread

Discussion in 'Forum Games and Activities' started by Speirz, Sep 12, 2014.

  1. weldone RM Chowdhuri

    You were awful in JP Mafia Part 2 - played inky pinky ponky with electric fences
  2. Starris ER Starris

    Itchy fingers.
  3. Speirz DG Speirs

    At work til 8. Will probably end the night around 8:30-9.
  4. Speirz DG Speirs

    The insertion had been a comfortable success, and Colonel Antar Roat rested comfortably in his new surroundings. Finally feeling safe and secure, he removed the elaborate prosthetics and makeup that had been needed in order to ensure his covert entry to the planet. As he looked at his own face again the mirror, staccato flickers of color outside prompted Wedge to look toward one of the windows. Bright flashes of red and green blaster bolts lit the thoroughfare outside. He studied the tableau for a moment, trying to make sense of it, then his jaw dropped as his brain sorted out what he was actually seeing.

    Having no time to truly react, he dived over the couch and wrenched it over backwards behind himself. He slipped to the side, ducking in toward cover, barely managing to pull his left leg in to safety. His head slammed into the floor, rendering Antilles unconscious and vulnerable to his fate.
    Outside, the speeder bike he had seen flying toward the window finally hit. It broadsided the wall of transparisteel with a solid thump, bursting through to spin into the room. The Shistavanen rider went one way and the speeder bike the other, between them sowing a glittering rain of lethal crystalline shrapnel throughout what was supposed to be, ironically enough, a safehouse.

    The shattered window tore into the room, piercing everything in its path. The poor, tattered couch stood as no protection for Wedge, who felt nothing as his body was torn apart by a million tiny shards, leaving one of the Alliance's greatest heroes to bleed out on the floor.

    Starris is dead. He was Wedge Antilles, Rogue Leader.

    Pash Cracken realised that the mission he had been given was now going to be the most difficult of all to complete. He suspected the other members of Rogue Squadron had been assigned tasks like distributing supplies or standing watch. Those efforts were important, but that would all be useless unless he succeeded and came away with a positive report.

    He had been charged with the duty of manipulating the loyalty and hindering the activities of intelligence services and the populace on the planet. Because of his mission parameters Pash had decided touring the various Imperial facilities open to the public should form the basis of the survey, and in the week since his arrival he had covered a lot of ground. He had expected the Empire to put its best face forward and display things that would denigrate and demean the Rebellion, and he'd not been disappointed. By learning what it was the Empire wanted its citizens to believe about the Rebellion, he could then assess whether or not the Imperial propaganda efforts were successful.
    The Imperial Museum had proved very instructive in this regard. Several displays did provide notations that this plant or that animal had been made extinct on their native worlds by "outlaws and malcontents," and included among such beasts were Ewoks-and Imperial taxidermists had taken great pains to make them seem helpless and even more cute than they were in real life. However, despite such propagandistic comments, the displays were impressive and reminded Pash there was much more to the Empire than he'd consciously acknowledged before.
    As this thought struck him, he was struck himself and fell into darkness.

    Awaking in chains and hooked up to a drip, he was greeted by a short rotund man who was staring at him disapprovingly. "Quarren" he ranted, "I asked for Quarren, not human you fools! What am I meant to do with this one?" Pash looked around nervously, searching for escape, searching for answers about where he was and why he was captive. The man brushed a hand back through his thinning black hair and spoke with a voice as cold as ice. "You have seen too much already anyway, whoever you are. Seeing me is a death sentence." With that the man reached over to the drip and inserted his own syringe into the bag, flooding Pash's body with a poisonous toxin and leaving him to die in agony.

    Athlai is dead. He was Pash Cracken, Rogue Four.

    "Sure, but imagine their surprise if it [bacta treatment] hadn't worked. They put me in, then only find torn up clothes." - Corran Horn

    BoyBlunder has been revived.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2014
  5. Speirz DG Speirs

    PMs incoming.
  6. BoyBlunder BOY Blunder

    Well that's a nice surprise
  7. Speirz DG Speirs

    PMs sent. It is now Day Three.
  8. Skippos SM Morgan

    uh, bittersweet night. starris normally a liability when town so meh but athers with his theme knowledge :(
  9. Teacups CJ Evans

    I don't know if there is anyone else with theme knowledge :(

    Still need to look through everyone's posts, need to get a lynch going this day phase.
  10. weldone RM Chowdhuri

    There must be so much of hidden information in Speirz' night-ending post. I wish I could understand a word that's not bolded!
  11. AVA T Delonge

    So it appears Athlai was killed be a 3rd party potentially?
  12. AVA T Delonge

  13. HeathDavisSpeed HT Davis

    Seems I was roleblocked. Going to do some research to try and make sense of what's happened so far.
  14. Mousey AJ Son

    Same here actually. Maybe not a roleblock, but I was unable to perform my action ITSTL.
  15. morgieb MC Burridge

    Haven't been able to perform my action over the last 2 nights either.
  16. HeathDavisSpeed HT Davis

    Hmmm. I wonder if certain people are immune to certain night actions, perhaps. I can't imagine that we've all been roleblocked.
  17. Mousey AJ Son

    I highly doubt someone would be immune to my action, but at the same time it didn't seem like I was roleblocked.
  18. 99* JJ Ritchie

    I had nothing unusual come up. Although I haven't done anything either.

    /ultimatewasteofapost :p
  19. Furball G Furball

    Does Blunder have a night action?
  20. Furball G Furball

    Cool, nobody's interested in doing anything.

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