Round 8 Teams

Discussion in 'The Cesspit: Rugby League Discussion' started by Andato, Apr 28, 2009.

  1. Old Mate M Perry

    Isn't he out for the season?
  2. Flack SA Flack

    Dire @ Elliot... Cooper is not a centre.... Put Elford there and put Daniela on the wing you ****ing tool.
  3. GYR DW Lewis

    So does anyone know why the GC game is on at 3pm on Sat?
  4. Flack SA Flack

    Because you touch yourself at night.
  5. GYR DW Lewis

    Wow, I never knew it had that kind of effect.
  6. Hybrid A Kolar

    (c) Family Guy
  7. Flack SA Flack

    Been around way longer than that.
  8. Kovas C Kovas

    Nah, but it's awesome. Footy from 3-11pm on Saturday. Four games in a row.
  9. Hybrid A Kolar

    Saturday afternoon footy is way better than Monday night footy tbh.
  10. Toolman TR Man

    You'd have to be pretty bored to watch all 4 games in a row.
  11. Hybrid A Kolar

    Or a bot. Cribb to C.

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