Teams thus far...

Discussion in 'CricSim Cricket' started by Freddy, Oct 13, 2009.

  1. BoyBlunder BOY Blunder

    Well you don't have Rusty yet, and Morgan/Read aren't great.
  2. LukeTyson L Tyson

    I'd rather be in a Sub forum with Spinks and Morgie, than the Rays subbie.
  3. Ged GEC King

    Could say the same about you. You still both do well at BS level though.
  4. LukeTyson L Tyson

    Morgan is just as good at Dafter.
  5. Boobidy BJ Gemmell

    If Benny is considered to be a weak link in our batting, then I am more than happy with our batting.
  6. LukeTyson L Tyson

    I'm pretty average at BS. Midnight is shocking at BS.
  7. KimmorleyKiller XX Meister

    More like last couple of hours.

    (other approaches didn't count, I got a billion of those emails)
  8. Ged GEC King

    hahaha. Not even close.
    Morgan averages 32.60 in firsts from 4 misc games and 1 bs game where he averaged 14.

    Dafter averages 41.32 in firsts from 15 games including 10 bs games last season averaging 45.78.
  9. Fungus K Fung

    Must admit this season the sub-forum wasn't too good, but with Heef and Midnight not in there with Colesy, Farny etc, it's pretty good.
  10. Ged GEC King

    That's a lauff.
  11. Frizzed WC Welker

    Nah our subbie is pretty dire, I mean we have a rah rah thread in there. <_<
  12. Ged GEC King

    Yeah. He's shithouse....
    He only averages 35.5 once origin is taken out.
  13. Ged GEC King

    Fang's xi ftw though.
  14. Lordeman JA Robertson

    Who are you quoting there? Yourself? 'Cause that seems kinda weird.

    Not sure where we were hypocritical, either. Feel free to continue to have a cry though.
  15. BoyBlunder BOY Blunder

    How many openers do the Ravens have now anyway?!
  16. Lordeman JA Robertson

    Umm, 7 I think, if you count me.

    Can never have too many openers though, as they're basically normal batsman , just one who aren't ****ing soft and have to be protected from the big, bad new ball.
  17. Eds E Ames

    #3 ftw :p
  18. GYR DW Lewis

    We only have 2 or 3 that are specialist though.
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2009
  19. Eds E Ames

  20. GYR DW Lewis

    McNeill doesn't count. So by 2 or 3 I meant 4 :ninja:.

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