The new cricsim

Discussion in 'Forum Discussion' started by Julian, Jan 11, 2010.

  1. Lordeman JA Robertson

    Nah, don't take it personally, Julian just has a deep-seeded disdain for rodents in authoritative positions.
  2. Mousey AJ Son

  3. Cribbage RG Cribb

    Yep, this is why he doesn't think Bellamy should be NSW coach.
  4. morgieb MC Burridge

    Must I say, lol @ the new title of the Off Topic section.
  5. Marto RK Fittaman

    Funniest Member, Most Underrated Member, Most Improved Member, Best Picture Poster, Top 2 Best Member of the year
    RK Fittaman

    Cyclones CC
    Rainbow Donkehs
    Victorious Secrets FC

  6. crowley DA Crowley

    I rate him but on a side note I was disappointed to see the person I voted as best member not even get a mention. Maybe you'll win it next year.
  7. Mousey AJ Son

    It's very good. Kudos to whoever did that.
  8. Callum CJ Laing

    I think the awards did show how much this forum has changed, I would say, post-Merk. I have not been around for all of Cricsim but I would say that all the "old guard" were still active when I joined and that was the time of the forum I did think was best, so I totally know where you are coming from Julian.

    I think this post should be read by a lot of the "old guard" who pop in and have a moan about how the forum has changed a lot and do not really do much else.

  9. Lordeman JA Robertson

    Geez, back in the old days, some young upstart like stupersteve would have never dreamed of telling us what we can and can't expect from the forum.

    This forum sucks now.
  10. Billy B Olsen

    LOL @ you ****s getting emotional! FMD!
  11. Flack SA Flack

    I don't suck enough cock to win much in forum awards :p
  12. Marto RK Fittaman

    If I was an Admin (Which I probably should be) I would have won Best Admin too...
  13. Callum CJ Laing

    That would spell the end of Cricsim! :p
  14. crowley DA Crowley

    Tim's mum should have cleaned up then.
  15. Ged GEC King

    All that the awards showed was the changing of the guard. As for Marto, imo it's all down to the poms. The poms love him because he's a faggot just like most of them. We still remember his faggotry from a while back and don't like him. It's as simple as that.
  16. Cribbage RG Cribb

    The poms all actually hate Marto because of the Ashes thread.
  17. Flack SA Flack

    I still remember his faggotry because it's still happening, tbh.
  18. Mousey AJ Son

  19. Marto RK Fittaman

  20. Ged GEC King

    Nah. They love him. I still remember his gay soccer rants in the league threads.

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