Things that piss you off in Film/TV

Discussion in 'Entertainment Lounge' started by Julian, Jul 11, 2015.

  1. hedger OX Gbagbo

    Narration and clunky expositional dialogue.
  2. Julian BJ Taylor

    Canned laughter is stupid but it has never annoyed me.
  3. Weeman27bob BE Force

    In "comedy" films when someone is talking shit about someone and then they realise that person is actually behind them and has heard everything they've said.

    That's not funny at all.
  4. Furball G Furball

    Yeah, in a World War II movie it would be stupid to have two Germans speaking English to each other in German accents.
  5. Paddy P Orr

    Also on suspense good movies that keep you in suspense for a sequel only for that sequel to end up being ass. Anti-climatic to the max. Better off just having one movie with a good ending.
  6. Old Mate M Perry

    Ruddy is a champion, fck u pal.
  7. Julian BJ Taylor


    Some wanker made money in it for sure.
  8. MASTERS S Masters

    When watching a TV show, they go to break then comeback and show the last few mins of what happened before the break, fucking hate that
  9. jazman84 JM Eightyfour

    In movies where the guy has to chase the girl as a bet with his mates and falls for her. However she somehow finds out, has a shit yet is won back over by said guy.

    Fucking worst trope ever, am sick to death of it. Such a cop-out for conflict/resolution.
  10. AVA T Delonge

    How have I never noticed this? Crazy.
  11. Weeman27bob BE Force

    <iframe width="640" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  12. BoyBlunder BOY Blunder

    What kind of movies are you watching?
  13. cpr CP Raftery

    Ones that get his vagina all moist by the sounds of it
  14. Harry Sack SB Slippy

    Depends tbh. Robin Hood (Costner) for example, every cunt is talking in a British accent, except him.
  15. Julian BJ Taylor

    Except Morgan Freeman who speaks surprisingly good English for a North African Muslim in the 12th century.
  16. cpr CP Raftery

    Haha, Costner is up there with Connery for fucking up films with his accent. If I hadn't seen The Untouchables I'd have sworn it was about a succession of vocal coaches the pair drove insane
  17. Harry Sack SB Slippy

    Haha, valid.
  18. Julian BJ Taylor

    Still one of the great films though. Reckon I've seen it 20+ times.
  19. Reagan Wheelson RDP Wheelson

    I liked Ant-man, but there were sooo many things in it that pissed me off which detracted from what was otherwise a good film. The biggest one, which probably has been mentioned earlier at some stage, was the generic villian with absolutely no character development or reason to be a bad guy besides giving the hero of the movie a reason to be a hero and save people. In this case, it was the ever-prevalent 'smug, rich white guy in a suit' variant, much like the villians which appeared in all 3 Iron Man movies and Captain America: Winter Soldier. Seriously, the movie could have been way better if not for that

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