What game are you into playing?

Discussion in 'Entertainment Lounge' started by Paddy, Apr 5, 2009.

  1. Alec AD Funkotron

    The Rugby League games have barely changed since RL2. You can still see so much shit left over from that game. They will always be shit until a different company with a bigger budget gets to make them. Hopefully Hayne Plane generates some interest for it in the US, maybe EA, as jewish as they are, will end up making a game.
  2. Reagan Wheelson RDP Wheelson

    I haven't played any of the Rugby League games because most people I know who have played them reckon they're fairly average. I'd be ridiculously keen if they actually made a good one.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2015
  3. Eggman DA Eggman

    Anyone on PS4 playing Until Dawn?

    That shit is fucked up
  4. Gazza GJ Weaver

    I'm just waiting for FIFA to come out
  5. Rocks DN Boland

    Unless you wanna install your own internal HD just go to 1T.
  6. Rocks DN Boland

    RL2 and RLL2 play totally different :p I see where you are coming from but still think they are generally getting better.. slowly.

    Haven't played the new one yet though.
  7. Tartmaster AJ James

    Yeah I always defended them to a point because they were at least improving somewhat.
    Until now.
  8. Storer BA Storer

    Played for about an hour so far.
    All types of messed up.
  9. Athlai JJD Heads

    Didn't win a free copy at work. Was pretty upset though I'd be way too scared to play it alone. Drunken group play through would be my strategy.

    Hoping we get a lot more of this type of game. Seems the right length for a horror.
  10. Droos JP Rhodes

    Fallout 4 looking so good.
  11. MASTERS S Masters

    Does Anyone play World Of Tanks ?
  12. ModCat Tom CJ Ardley

    Play both it and Warships though I suspect we're not on the same server.
  13. Tartmaster AJ James

    Playing RLL3

    6 Games into the season with Titans.
    Bird just dislocated his elbow, and retired effective immediately. :shock:
  14. AVA T Delonge

  15. Bender BG Herd

    might actually grab it on steam when its out for shits and gig's, unless its stupidly overpriced (probably)
  16. Frizzed WC Welker

    Might verse you and we can giggle about it, unless of course there's no online which wouldn't surprise me at all.
  17. BoyBlunder BOY Blunder

    Basically only been playing Ark for the last 2 months. For something I thought looked like would be a terrible game is incredibly addictive. The internal politics of the servers amuses me too
  18. Eggman DA Eggman

    Really want to get this
  19. BoyBlunder BOY Blunder

    It's still early access so there are lots of teething problems. The biggest ones being hit boxes on dinos and server lag but it's not enough to bother me that much. I've had friends who've died due to DCs though and if you play on Hardcore servers like we were then it means alot because its permadeath. Normal servers you just lose your gear. You will need a decent machine to play it though - mine was pretty top of the range as of last summer (£1500) and only runs on 25-40 fps not max graphics. They do need to sort the performance issues out
  20. Eggman DA Eggman

    Ahh, good to know. I'd trust my machine to get a decent FPS but would probably want some optimization first.

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