What Would You Prefer?

Discussion in 'CricSim Cricket' started by Skippos, Feb 8, 2010.


What would you prefer?

  1. A

  2. B

  3. Tim's Mum

  1. Alec AD Funkotron

    Bullpitt :wub:
  2. BigDougy DG Dafter

    Option B for the good of the team and the forum.
  3. Farny AP Farnsworth

    You need mostly Bs, but a balance of the two. Having one or two awesome, but inactive players in your team doesn't really damage the subforum IMO.
  4. Lordeman JA Robertson


    Skippos, this is an intervention. I think you know what it's about.

    Your comma usage is out of control, and we're all very concerned. Being a fellow comma lover, I can sympathize with the convenience of being able to string two or more thoughts together with apparent ease, but you mustn't forget that it comes at a cost! The more you use them, the harder it becomes to stop, and it's gotten to the stage where I'm starting to wonder whether it's you using the commas, or the commas using you. :down:

    I want the old Skippos back, the one whose posts didn't take me 5 minutes per line to read because I keep pausing at each comma. I implore you to stop before it's too late!! We just want to help you.


    Your Friends

    P.S. Option B
  5. Skippos SM Morgan

    That is the best post I have seen for awhile, and like, I've seen two of your posts, but I've loved them all, +1000 respect to you. On the topic though, (trainwreck topic), I just use asyndeton, have all my life. Thanks for having such a great life and noticing it though :P
  6. Cribbage RG Cribb

    It depends on exactly what you're asking.

    If both players are already at my club and the question is over which one should be selected, it is Option A without a shadow of a doubt.

    If neither player is at my club and I'm being asked who I'd rather have recruited, definitely Option B.

    Otherwise, Tim's Mum.
  7. Skippos SM Morgan

    I'm asking the latter, and yeah, strongly AWTA
  8. BoyBlunder BOY Blunder

    HAHAHA! :lol: ****ing epic!

    Gunnest program as well.
  9. Skippos SM Morgan

    That has to be post of the year.
  10. Old Mate M Perry

    A for sure.
  11. Old Mate M Perry

    Punch my 'nads.
  12. morgieb MC Burridge

    B. Gamblers already have enough inactives. :p
  13. Howsie DP Howell

    Option B
  14. Jabba HJ Bots

    A in a heart beat.

    We have a fairly active bowling attack Blunder,Eggman,me and Fiery

    Torres,Delonge,Luffman,Wee3men are our only active BS ready batsman.
  15. Incey BC Jacobs

    B...I think?
  16. Tartmaster AJ James

    Tim's Mum fo' sho'
    Also gun post Lordeman
  17. Andato BJT Manera

    We need to get a gun thread again so posts like Lordeman's do not get forgotten.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2010
  18. the_killerz S Bakkum

    Well then make one lol.
  19. Andato BJT Manera

    I made one a few months ago but it got deleted.
  20. the_killerz S Bakkum

    Make one, Sticky it and lock it and only add in the best posts. Cribb shouldn't have a problem with that if it is locked.

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