Why the Ravens/Melbourne Storm might not be good for CricSim

Discussion in 'CricSim Cricket' started by Farny, Sep 21, 2009.

  1. Boobidy BJ Gemmell


    All my options.
  2. GYR DW Lewis

    I think that's because we cover all spectrums of the forum. People always say to me that myself and Perry don't belong there but really it ends up working to the club's advantage and just makes us stronger because we attract people from both the Rob and CricSim loving world and the more relaxed don't give a shit world.
  3. Cribbage RG Cribb

    I always find it funny when members are accused of wanting to suck my cock, particularly members like Marcuss. He gets along with me.. so what? It's not like people accuse Benny of wanting to suck Gemmell's cock. I see the point when people suck up to me on the forum and I never actually talk to them at all away from it, but that's not really the case with Marcuss.
  4. Ged GEC King

    We wouldn't have you :p
  5. Alec AD Funkotron

    I think it's kind of ironic that Ged, of all people, is talking about people sucking Prince's cock.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2009
  6. Boobidy BJ Gemmell

    Me and Benny get along, but we also disagree and don't sugarcoat it. The reason the accusations come flying to people sucking up to you is because they won't disagree with you.
  7. deadlydemon TJL Webber

    It is with me tho, hay bumblebee :in_love:
  8. Cribbage RG Cribb

    Given we decided to approach no new fast bowlers for next season, I find this pretty curious.
  9. GYR DW Lewis

    Nah you don't count. You didn't flat out refuse. In fact you never said no. You said "Ill consider it for sure".
  10. Boobidy BJ Gemmell

    Epic, epic, epic lies.
  11. GYR DW Lewis

    This was aaaages ago when negotiations originally opened up and we had a bit of a brainstorm.
  12. Ged GEC King

    I suck his cock less than most so I don't know what angle you're coming from. Clearly you argue with him a heap..............
  13. deadlydemon TJL Webber

    This surprises the Deadly. I am intrigued.

    The Deadly is also late in this curiousity, as GYR and Prince have already been alerted. /facepalm
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2009
  14. Alec AD Funkotron

    The only time you don't suck his cock is when you are going for Midnight's.
  15. nz0003 JR Denton

    GYR did.

    Yeah, the next one must of got lost in the system. :laughing:
  16. GYR DW Lewis

    You are so full of shit. There was no next one. That was the last time I have had contact with you via PM. Go check in your own inbox if you don't believe me. Even if there was, that still doesn't change the fact that you never flat out refused like Gemmell said.
  17. Cribbage RG Cribb

    Really is a perfect example of how little I have to do with recruitment these days. :p
  18. GYR DW Lewis

    LOL nah you definitely knew about it. We were talking in the subforum and Lordeman brought up some names, he was one of them I think.
  19. Cribbage RG Cribb

    Probably skimmed over it.
  20. nz0003 JR Denton

    Settle down, I was obviously joking. As you said, it was when negotiations opened so I was considering everything, and just forgot to reply when I committed with the Stickies. Anyway you're right that I didn't flat out refuse, my bad.

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