Worst fastest men in the NRL list ever

Discussion in 'The Cesspit: Rugby League Discussion' started by Julian, Jul 13, 2016.

  1. Julian BJ Taylor

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ddxEi58XkX4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  2. Wilson SB Wilson

    Matthew Rieck.
  3. Alec AD Funkotron

    I hope it's not in order.
  4. jazman84 JM Eightyfour

    Reminds me of shitty journos calling Hodges a speedster or flyer.
  5. Tartmaster AJ James

    He was so gun in the first rugby league game.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2016
  6. Wilson SB Wilson

    Leon Bott.
  7. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    Yeah Hodges' speed was a touch underrated generally because of the length of his stride. But he was far from a speedster, especially in the last 3 or 4 years.
  8. Fiery GR Smith

    Where's Manu Vatuvei?
  9. Old Mate M Perry

    On the slowest list.
  10. Magic AJ Parker

    This title confuses me;

    Are you asking for a list of the worst fastest men in the NRL or;
    Are you making a statement about the video being the worst list of fastest NRL players.
  11. Tartmaster AJ James

    I took it as the latter,
    But the mentions of Rieck, Bott & Vatuvei definitely hint towards the former.
  12. Fiery GR Smith

    Top of the try-scoring list.

    150 coming up this weekend for the great man
  13. BMT BMT Con

    I heard Gerry Smith goes pretty fast too. Sub 10 all the time.
  14. Fiery GR Smith

    Is that me? Gerry the Geronimo right?

    Nah always been better over longer distances. Won all the cross country races at school. Lightning fast bowler still though
  15. Old Mate M Perry

    Fuck you're not impressing anyone, eat your 1 bedroom apartment out of bleach and just die. Your children will get a payout and have a real chance to not have you hinder their lives anymore, and your wife can find a real man who can still put a bun in the oven.
  16. Fiery GR Smith

    :shock: Slightly confrontational post there :shock:

    Keyboard warrior Old Mate, the forum thick cunt who thinks he funny comes out firing...slapping that keyboard with such vigour in rage...trying to be as venomous as possible...because someone twice his age is much much better at everything in life than him. Poor pimply faced junkie loser without a bean to his name or a hope of achieving anything. Sad sack.

    I will address each of your points you raised in your kind words now:

    I thought you would drink bleach rather than eat it champ but thanks for the advice. I only bought it to kill weeds and mildew so good to know it might come in handy for that too. (If I ever don't have everything to live for)

    My 3 apartments all have two or more bedrooms. My daughters have a bedroom each to themselves. World's Best Dad apparently according to them...even have the mug to prove it.

    Neither of us want any more kids...the ones we have are so good...and even if I do what you suggest and neck a bottle of bleach while I'm sleepwalking or something she won't be looking for someone to knock her up. Kids would be utterly devastated if their wonderful dad who provides everything for them financially and emotionally and taught them everything they know went down the bleaching my oesophagus route. Everyone who knows them, and them themselves, knows how well they are looked after...all year round by 3 parents with equal share and given I still get women pregnant by looking at them am even considering the snip. (Procrastinating on that one however)

    What makes people like you want to say vile things to another I wonder anyway, just because I responded to someone implying I would claim to be a fast sprinter? When I never have? He's actually right, I am faster than most blokes in their 20s like you...over any distance but don't go round telling everyone that. Issues Old Mate? Wanna talk it out? We're here for you man
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2016
  17. BMT BMT Con

    This really reminds me of this:
  18. Farhat AM Farhat

    Fastest 3 right now would be James Roberts, Josh Addo-Carr & Bevan French.
  19. jazman84 JM Eightyfour

    Top speed in a straight line, sure. But guys like Milford, Barba and Johnson have footy speed. Speed in traffic and while evading others

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