Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Discussion in 'Entertainment Lounge' started by Storer, Oct 4, 2011.

  1. Storer BA Storer

    Just pre-ordered this. Gun!
  2. azzal AJ O'Neill

    Will be okay. Better then black ops though.
  3. MatthewJay TA Miokovic

    When does it come out?

    Don't even know if I'll get it, so over COD.
  4. Storer BA Storer

    November 8, I believe.
  5. MatthewJay TA Miokovic

    Like two weeks before my Year 12 exam. :laugh:

    Will definitely have to wait a couple weeks to buy it once it comes out.
  6. Storer BA Storer

    CoD >>>>> Exams.
  7. MatthewJay TA Miokovic

  8. azzal AJ O'Neill

  9. Choco C Man

    I'm defs getting this. Such a cod fan boy. Probs won't touch the SP like Black ops. Multi player is where it's at.
  10. Athlai JJD Heads

    Black ops had the worst story. It was so terribly cheesy.
  11. Choco C Man

    I played it for 5 mins until they finally let me out of that chair thing then I quit and play MP.
  12. azzal AJ O'Neill

    This, I only buy games to play online these day's. Black ops ruined COD for the moment being.
  13. SuperNova SJ Nova

    BF3 > COD

    I'll be getting MW3 anyway though, the campaign is so much better :laugh:
  14. Ari PM Jackson


    CoD is still decent though.
  15. Chewie JA Chewie

    I don't know the story at all in any of the CoD games, I just play through the campaign, not really caring what's happening. Also annoying how there are the ones in between that are different stories compared to the Modern Warfare ones which messes with my head even more.

    I'll probably buy both this and BF3. Not sure which I'll play more though - I played CoD:BO more than BF:BC2, but my computer could handle CoD better.... it's gonna be terrible with the new ones I think.
  16. MatthewJay TA Miokovic

    Haha this, I just try and finish them asap.
  17. azzal AJ O'Neill

    I get bored of them though.
  18. McGrath JE McGrath

    Might get it - looks ok
  19. LukeTyson L Tyson

    Hoping its going to be better than I expect it to be. Not sure if I'll even play it with BF3.
  20. brettman135 BR Hall

    To many stupid games coming out prior to exams that I want to get!

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