Doctor Who

Discussion in 'Entertainment Lounge' started by Skippos, Sep 30, 2012.

  1. spark!ptz PH Spark

    don't worry, i explained everything through msn

    (i sort of hate two-parters btw)
  2. Skippos SM Morgan

    You'd have thought I was allowed an opinion.

    Like, I know why it happened - but I didn't like the idea of it getting a passing mention. Part of my post was just as I was so upset to see amy go (in fact I just watched this and was very teary :( ) but I definitely thought it needed a bit more explaining. Seems as if everyone thinks this 5 episode run has been the best ever - it has clearly not been.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2012
  3. Weeman27bob BE Force

    You get the sense that Matt/Karen/Arthur get on so well together. Which probably in turn makes the show itself a bit better?
  4. Howe JHF Howe

    What TV show is there where the cast don't appear to get along like a house on fire?
  5. Eds E Ames

  6. Athlai JJD Heads

    Just watched the Angels episode and thought it ended quite well. Will probably talk more about my thoughts regarding story at another time but one thing I'd like to talk about now are how the Angels were shot in this particular episode.

    More light, less suspense, more teeth and overall less scary.

    If I were to put my finger on it, the angels stopped doing the little things, the slight glances, the gradual changes of facial expression and started having moved drastically.

    I'd say the most effective angels in this episode were the smiler and the last one. The last one was a baller.

    Food for thought.
  7. Skippos SM Morgan

    Agreed. I wasn't scared of the angels - at least not to the extent I was in Blink/Flesh and Stone/Time of Angels. Agree with your reasoning too. I think setting might have had a pretty big part to do with it but also the way they were put forward.
  8. Verigoat S Verigotta

    Oswin is gonna be awesome
  9. Skippos SM Morgan

    I will be very mad if Clara isn't of any relation to oswin oswald or the relation is like a cousin or some shit like they have to be the same person or some extension of that not like a gwen cooper/gwyneth kinda thing.

    Moffat's said she'll be like nothing we've ever seen so either he's pretty sure of her development or her whole role is like a mindfuck. Apparently she dies in the christmas special too so it'll be interesting to see how that works.

    but she'll never be as good as amy

  10. Cribbage RG Cribb

    If it's a direct descendant type deal then it's all good IMO; cousins or something would be dire though.
  11. Skippos SM Morgan

    What would be the point though? you'd be better off just getting a lookalike or doing nothing at all. Like the gwen cooper one I could hack because well, they clearly didn't know she'd do torchwood - but this'd be ridiculous unless it's the same character imo

    you'd be better off getting cribb to play a descendent of mark bosnich than bosnich doing it for both - it's so stupid for the same actor to play two blood relations unless it's identical twins/intentional comedy.
  12. Athlai JJD Heads

    Fuck off with spoilers you dumb cunt skippos? are you allergic to good sense?
  13. BoyBlunder BOY Blunder

    AWTA nothing worse than spoilers.

    Been watching them late on iplayer so conversation in British Pub completely ruined the last episode for me.
  14. Cribbage RG Cribb

    I reckon if you come in the Doctor Who thread then you should expect spoilers. British Pub is a bit rough though.
  15. HeathDavisSpeed HT Davis

    Not enough Turlough or Peter Davison.
  16. Athlai JJD Heads

    Spoilers for a christmas special rgat is months away with no warning at all? Fuck off cribb
  17. Skippos SM Morgan

    Agreed. Black Guardian needs to come back.

    It's not really a spoiler, it's a theory that looks likely from set lists and stuff. There's heaps of bullshit that goes around from set lists and all too though so it's definitely not guaranteed.
  18. HeathDavisSpeed HT Davis

    Fuck. I want to watch the Peter Davison series again. Are they on Yoo Toob or summat?
  19. Skippos SM Morgan

    I have them on my computer so I'd say they're downloadable somewhere. Only snippets on Youtube, I think.
  20. Cribbage RG Cribb

    This is probably the worst possible time for people to suggest those old series are still worth watching.

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