Fast Fingers

Discussion in 'Forum Games and Activities' started by Gazza, Jul 29, 2013.

  1. Captain SSD Dong

    spacebar with left or right thumb?
  2. Verigoat S Verigotta


    Right thumb just sort of rests like pushed against the very front of the keyboard
  3. Blake BE Quilty

    Nope, I have my own technique that I picked up from a pretty young age. Always put off learning touch typing as I didn't like it, but it wasn't long before I started typing a lot faster than 99% of people touch typing anyway.

    I use pretty much my whole hand, although it's predominantly my index and middle fingers that hit most of the keys. My right pinky is only used to hit enter and my left pinky only ever hits Caps Lock (never use Shift for capital letters, always double hit Caps Lock). Hit the spacebar with my right thumb every time.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2013
  4. El Nino J Torres

    you blokes are fucked, i can type pretty quick but i look at the keyboard so shit at this sort of thing. If i touch type i'm prone to make lots of errors, when im writing an essay or something and just talking shit from the top of my head im pretty quick.
  5. Lukic L Popovic


    I always backspace and complete the word properly. The fact the words coming up are random fucks me since there's like 2 or 3 words which sound like the start of a sentence and then I try to complete it with a word similar to the one after that would make sense grammatically, but is the wrong word. If I made errors instead of backtracking and correct I reckon I could get about 120-130/5-6.
  6. Captain SSD Dong

    I'm pretty much the same as you except for the caps lock thing.
  7. El Nino J Torres

    I always space bar with my right index finger i just realised.
  8. MrPrez CM Dyer

    Meh you guys over 110 are crazy. I got to 88 at school and could probably push into the 90s. nfi how you get 110+.

    Let alone Blake...
  9. Skippos SM Morgan

  10. Sultan Pepper HG Emm

    Pretty sure I type like a gymp, my right middle finger does a bulk of the work with the left in support. Right hand index finger is gymp so it basically just gets in the way except for when a key needs to be hit while shift is on. (right pinky holds shift whenever needed) all hell break loose if I need to use numbers though. I seem to hit space with either thumb/right middle finger/right index finger.

    There's also no 'b' key on my keyboard, not uncommon for it to take 2-3 hits to register, I'll give the test a crack when I get a new key board.
  11. Escath LE Schaw

    Yeah the tests where they actually give you sentences instead of random words are so much easier.
  12. BoshtrichBurger BB Burger


    I'm happy with that to be honest. Not that fast of a typer due to small hands and wrists.

    My brothers can type near 150wpm, which I'm jealous of...

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