NBA 2K11

Discussion in 'Entertainment Lounge' started by brettman135, Oct 8, 2010.

  1. Farhat AM Farhat

    Just had the goodest game. 39mins 79 points 12 rebounds 9 assists and 6 steals. 14 3-pointers.
  2. Farhat AM Farhat

    Fuuuuuuu. They took me outta the game when I had 98 points.
  3. Mousey AJ Son

    That sucks!
  4. Gazza GJ Weaver

    Can someone post the controls for this on the PS3? Playing it on the computer with a PS controller and want to play it like the PS3...
  5. the_killerz S Bakkum

  6. Gazza GJ Weaver

    Tried it dippy
  7. Wilson SB Wilson

    Someone answer my question ploise.
  8. Qwerty HD Roberts

    The difficulty in My Player only really changes how often your team mates miss shots. Just keep playing and you'll get better. You can try the sliders from the settings thing in the main menu. But then you'd be gay.
  9. Qwerty HD Roberts

    Just finished the regular season of my first year in My Player. NBA MVP, Rookie of the Year and All-NBA. Leading point scorer. Got my rating up to 82 and in the first round of the play-offs we're playing Golden State, so it should be an easy win.
  10. Mousey AJ Son

    Just got drafted. Round 2 Pick 5 to the Bucks haha. I suck.
  11. Wilson SB Wilson

    Yeah I started again and pumped all my points of mid range shot and that seems to be going well. It shits me to tears when then person I'm defending changes on me and it's suddenly the persn dunking the ball.

    Whats the right time limit for these games btw?
  12. Qwerty HD Roberts

    What do you mean? In real NBA they play 12 minute quarters.
  13. Mousey AJ Son

    That is the worst!
  14. Wilson SB Wilson

    12min quarters? Cheers. Is that what I should be playing it on?
  15. Qwerty HD Roberts

    I dunno, it'd take a while to get through a season. I play 7 minute quarters.
  16. Bedsey JB Dempsey

    Yeah, takes forever. Makes it feel like the real thing though, which I like. Never had a game emulate the sport so well over the real life time limit.
  17. Mousey AJ Son

    That's what I love about this game.

    Anyway I'm going okay at the Bucks. With my limited game time I'm averaging a B-, which is good for me. Only averaging 3.3 points and 3 rebounds a game as a SG so far though, which is really average, but I can feel myself getting better.
  18. Wilson SB Wilson

    Pumpin it pretty well at the Kings. Just got me first start and in me last two games got ratings of A+ and finished with over 30 points. The ****s that start the game are sooo much better then the nuffs that come off the bench.

    Really need to start working on my defence. My bloke to regularly gets around me and I'm blocked by one of his team mates. Any skill that'll help this carnts?
  19. Bedsey JB Dempsey

    What position? If you're a guard hit up your stealing and hands stats and just play the passing lane. You lose more rating points if they score, but you get a bunch for steals and even tipped passes. You can also stick to them like glue with the right sick.
  20. Alec AD Funkotron

    I played 8 min quarters before, but it became too difficult to get double doubles (assists and points) in that time. Changed it to 10, but this way a single game takes like an hour to finish, with all the time outs and what not. Stopped playing afterwards tho. I wish there was a button to tell your teammates to take a shot, because they hold onto the ball for waaay too long before shooting, after which it doesn't count as an assist anymore.

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