
Discussion in 'BasketballSim' started by RyanG, May 14, 2013.

  1. JPA8 JP Anraad

    I just shoot under 40 per cent plus I guess I feel like there is a lot pressure on me to perform.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2014
  2. Mousey AJ Son

    You shouldn't, you're not that good so you shouldn't try to be.
  3. Cooney CC Dog

  4. JPA8 JP Anraad

    Haha that is reassuring :o
  5. Cooney CC Dog

    Hopefully we get a win!
  6. Himannv LV Himann

    So motivating! :P
  7. RyanG R Gee

    Don't listen to him! You'll be number 1 in no time ;)
  8. JPA8 JP Anraad

    Game day Ocelots! Good luck to Coon Dog on his debut.
  9. Cooney CC Dog

    Lets do it!
  10. JPA8 JP Anraad

    I know it's hard to be positive guys but surely we will notch up a win soon
  11. Cooney CC Dog

    It was a disappointing result.
  12. JPA8 JP Anraad

    For next round I am contemplating these two line-ups:




    What are all your thoughts?
  13. Mousey AJ Son

    Stick with the same lineup. You're making too many changes. Dog isn't ready to start yet, Gurupur wasn't either. Get your established players out there. Taylor was lucky, stick with it.
  14. Mousey AJ Son

    Tyson shouldn't play PG either.
  15. JPA8 JP Anraad

    Cheers Mousey :)
  16. JPA8 JP Anraad

    So are you saying players take awhile to establish themselves?
  17. Cooney CC Dog

    I'm happy with whatever.
  18. LukeTyson L Tyson

    Tyson can't take the stress.
  19. Mousey AJ Son

  20. LukeTyson L Tyson

    Took Tyson a while. Now he is MVP.

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