Season 9 will be the Last

Discussion in 'CricSim Cricket' started by Wilson, Dec 7, 2009.

  1. Frizzed WC Welker

    Crusaders and you recruited one of the best. :ninja:
  2. Cribbage RG Cribb

  3. Callum CJ Laing

    Cyclones didnt.
  4. Cribbage RG Cribb

    They liked it more than the Vipers.
  5. Kylez KF Tait

    Yeah the newer members bandwaggoning like Killerz should just shut the **** up.
  6. LukeTyson L Tyson

    I started wondering when I didn't see my name in the list.
  7. Callum CJ Laing

    Season 7 was better.
  8. SmellyStuff MP Chung

    lol at Cribb rage.
  9. LukeTyson L Tyson

    So should you.
  10. LukeTyson L Tyson

    Lol at everyone backing off after Cribb rage.
  11. Kylez KF Tait

    What have I done?
  12. Gazza GJ Weaver

    What haven't you done
  13. Cribbage RG Cribb

    I didn't give a shit about this thread about first because Wilson has always been the same but it just kept going and going and going, I've really had enough of this shit.

    It's pretty simple - if the simming rates aren't good enough for you, don't come to the forum, because they aren't going to get better. This is CricSim; this is normal. It's not going to end any time soon, but it's going to be like this.
  14. Flack SA Flack

    You know you can ask me to help with shit cribbage to ease the work load of shit <_<
  15. Kylez KF Tait

    Your mother.
  16. Cribbage RG Cribb

    Well what I want you now for me is to do is keep an eye on this thread, and permanently ban anyone who says the forum is shit. You'll be doing them a favour - if they don't like it, they shouldn't come here. I never should have opened this place back up after Merkgate, all I've got since I did it is ****ing ungrateful whinging ****s who hate the forum but, strangely enough, come here anyway. **** OFF.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2009
  17. the_killerz S Bakkum

    If you don't like it you can leave.
  18. Gazza GJ Weaver


    She's dead.....
  19. LukeTyson L Tyson

    What makes you any better than Killerz ?
  20. Frizzed WC Welker

    All I see in this thread is you whinging, if you don't like the forum, you can leave.

    lul jks

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