Semi-Live PSC Round 3: Seahawks Vs Ice Hurricanes @ IHS Stadium

Discussion in 'Season 2' started by Flack, Apr 16, 2010.

  1. Doog J McDougal

    Farny gunned it...
  2. Marto RK Fittaman

    Hattrick on debut.
  3. Eds E Ames


    I am a god at bringing guns into Ice Hockey Sim. First Golding, then Humble and now Farnsworth.
  4. Flack SA Flack

    Seahawks Vs. Ice Hurricanes
    Score:	0	-	4
    Shots:	41(27)	-	47(24)
    PPG:	0	-	1
    PIM:	8	-	16
    Inter:	19	-	24
    Hits:	61	-	50
    Name		Pos.	Saves	Glove	Stick	Pad	Con.
    Jesse Harding	GK	10	3	1	6	3
    Shane Masters	GK	10	3	6	1	1
    Adam Vago	GK	14	4	4	6	0
    Matt Dorn	GK	13	6	4	3	0
    Name		Pos.	Goal	Shots	Ass.	PPG	PIM	inter.	hits
    James Hughes	D	0	4(2)	0	0	0	5	10
    Jimmy Read	D	0	0(0)	0	0	0	1	8
    Dexter Astele	LW	0	3(2)	0	0	0	0	7
    Brett Gemmell	C	0	6(4)	0	0	2	0	4
    Kelvin Fung	RW	0	9(4)	0	0	0	0	4
    BH Borisc	D	0	3(1)	0	0	2	2	13
    AJ O Neill	D	0	0(0)	0	0	2	5	6
    Will Robinson	LW	0	6(5)	0	0	0	2	2
    Joshua Ritchie	C	0	6(5)	0	0	0	2	4
    Morgan Burridge	RW	0	3(3)	0	0	2	1	2
    Luka Popovic	RW	0	1(1)	0	0	0	1	1
    Chris Golding	D	0	1(0)	2	0	4	6	13
    Charlie Downes	D	0	1(0)	0	0	4	3	10
    Soumyanil Das	LW	0	5(1)	1	0	4	0	1
    Sam Verigotta	C	1	13(4)	0	1	2	4	3
    Ged King	RW	0	8(4)	0	0	0	0	10
    M Monkeywrench	D	0	4(2)	1	0	0	8	7
    Al Farnsworth	LW	3	11(10)	0	0	2	0	2
    Razz Fittaman	C	0	4(3)	0	0	0	3	4

  5. Peaches DT Petrucci

    That's a paddlin'. Shutout FTW, pretty damn solid performance by everyone right there.
  6. SmellyStuff MP Chung

    lol seahacks
  7. Eds E Ames

    All the defenders were really even, selection headaches FTL.

    As well as Farny, Schaw and Das competing for one spot. ****.
  8. Doog J McDougal

    Wow, veri's shit at getting them on target...
  9. Hughesy JM Hughes

    Damn, oh well back to the drawing board. Will have to make less interchanges.
  10. Eds E Ames

    Doog's mum to c'.
  11. Flack SA Flack

    Sharks and Hurricanes progress from Group 2.
  12. Farny AP Farnsworth

    Haha, hatricks on CricSim then Ice Hockey Sim on consecutive days!! I've decided I like this sim.
  13. Hughesy JM Hughes

    Will keep Season 1 players playing as well as Ritchie and Robinson, only because I can't split you.

    I have been forgetting to set by attacking strats now I think of it.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2010
  14. Tartmaster AJ James

    Fold tbh.
    lol Seahacks.
  15. Hughesy JM Hughes

    Never will fold. I was given this opportunity and I won't let it go like that for sure.
  16. CCG C Golding

    Gotta AWTA. Farny's the new Humble! stats in the last period were ridiculous, I racked up what all the other defenders got in the game and set Farny up twice :p Maybe we won't be FailCanes this season :jump:
  17. Eds E Ames

    You played the same amount as Monkeywrench and Downes, 2 periods each.
  18. CCG C Golding

    My stats > theirs.

    In the last period I racked up what they got in two periods. Just be glad I stayed in your team for this :p
  19. Eds E Ames

    Don't get cocky, ****.
  20. CCG C Golding

    Too easy to get a response from you there :laughing:

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