
Discussion in 'Forum Discussion' started by Old Mate, Apr 5, 2009.

  1. Old Mate M Perry

    We all love them, when controlled to a size limit.
  2. Storer BA Storer

    I actually prefer not to have them myself, but don't mind if others do.
  3. MightyPies DA Alessi

    Yeah, they could work, as long as they arn't ridiculously big. But i reckon it would be better without images.. makes the site look neater imo.
  4. Hunter AD Hunt

    Dibs on longcat.
  5. Fungus K Fung

    I don't mind as long as I can turn it off. I don't like seeing them - just wastes my net quotas.
  6. Dave DR Armstrong

    I'd turn them off anyway.
  7. Storer BA Storer

    AWTA @ Fungus.
  8. Cribbage RG Cribb

    The only real reason I disabled them was the fact that I thought it was so ridiculously dire for people to disable sigs and yet still have their own.

    I could probably code it in so that didn't happen... can't really be bothered however. :p
  9. MightyPies DA Alessi

    Don't worry about sigs imo.
  10. Storer BA Storer

    That's alright, I think just don't worry about them.
  11. SM MD Dorn

    Sigs FTL
  12. Benny BS Read

    I reckon we should at least have text sigs personally, that are restricted to a size
  13. Andato BJT Manera

    Test based sigs would be good
  14. Das09 S Das

    We can have sigs but the size limit should be maintained.
  15. Benny BS Read


  16. Eggman DA Eggman

    Sigs please.
  17. Zakaron SDR Laing

    lol that's a shit sig.
  18. Callum CJ Laing

    I would be for not having sigs. They make the forum look messy a lot of the time and make you have to scroll through more than just posts.
  19. Eggman DA Eggman

    Just text sigs with a character limit imo.
  20. DFC-Lee LM Sweetman

    Well, Im on a soccer forum, and they have guidelines of 300X100 for Sigs, or 5 lines of text, and if they are broken the person lose's the right to Avatar's and Signatures for a month.

    Makes it look really neat.

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