Suggestions Thread

Discussion in 'Archive of Seasons Past' started by Eds, Jun 7, 2009.

  1. Sik_Slogga SLO Graham

    Well if a player who doesnt play much turns out gun for their loaned team then the origonal team now has an awesome player they didnt know about?

    Although its the same in real life really. Clubs dont get much out of loaning players, just for the players experiance.
  2. Doog J McDougal

    They do get the increased chance of causing an upset for a big rival.
  3. BoyBlunder BOY Blunder

    Thats not the point... th point is if youve got someone whos never playing, by loaning them out you can get them experience which will make them better in the future.
  4. Sik_Slogga SLO Graham

    Exactly :)

    So what do you think on the Idea Eds? Is it something we could think of doing?
  5. Eds E Ames

    It is, but there is no incentive to send a player away on loan atm.
  6. Baxter MJ Deane

    You ever played Fifa Eds?
  7. Eds E Ames

    Course. But if a player is not playing first team for his current club, then he will play SG (possibly coming for Season 2)
  8. Sik_Slogga SLO Graham

    Ahhh ok.

    Are there injuries btw on this sim?
    Could be another reason for the loan.
  9. Baxter MJ Deane

    Just, depending on how much you're willing to put into this etc.
    A season growth program could be generated similar to Fifa, where you gain more experience for playing than you do sitting on the bench. Meaning your player develops quicker if he's playing than he does sitting on the bench.
    Meaning loans become worth while.
  10. CCG C Golding

    Good input there IMO, would give it added incentive. If we get Reserve Grade by S2 I think we'll be doing well though, although I'm sure if we all chip in we'll get there.
  11. Baxter MJ Deane

    Just I know Eds won't be for the idea as he's worried players will become too good, too quickly.
    I know he's created players already, with ratings of 60 odd probably as that's near enough the default so give or take a few points here and there.
    But if the players were to have started much lower, rated 30 or something you could have both training and experience. You wouldn't add a bucket load of points on, it doesn't work as in Cricsim where Rob has decimal points to play with etc but in Rugby 08 you have so many different skills, adding 1 onto strength every other game will have minimal effect over the course of the season.
    The scaling etc of everything would need to be worked out and the regular updating of players would take some effort.
  12. CCG C Golding

    I think player improvement is a very touchy subject since it's got such fine margins, although giving a +1 to Passing every other week would only show effect if you compared them from the start of season to their end of season passing I think. It's too complicated for me though!
  13. Doog J McDougal

    It would be fairly hard to do on rugby '08 really. Could be possible if jeremy ever decides to do us a version of his... (which probably wont happen)
  14. CCG C Golding

    Too many IFS and BUTS. To simplify it, I reckon Swap Loans could be used so that if a team needs a FlyHalf and another needs a Prop and two teams have reserves, they could be loaned out for a certain time. Otherwise it'll become too complicated.
  15. Baxter MJ Deane

    Going from a skill rating of 30 to 35 in passing over the course of the season isn't all that drastic.
    Considering that none of your other skills would have improved over the season.
    That's too little improvement IMO.
    I know we have post count as well, put you could have post counts as a bulk improvement at the end of the season.
    So if you make 50 posts over the course of the season you get 50 skill points to spend.
  16. CCG C Golding

    Fair dos. Also maybe a skill points reward if you win player of the season or something?
  17. Callum CJ Laing

    Can we not get match ratings and maybe more detail?
  18. Eds E Ames

    Bump. Marcuss to post in this thread now imo.
  19. Doog J McDougal

    Oh yeah, I had a really good idea a second ago, cant remember it suddenly...

    Wait got it again. How about some kind of point scoring record tables or something along those lines/stolen lineouts or conceded lineouts etc, make people more individually interested...
  20. Verigoat S Verigotta

    I like this, shouldn't be that hard to keep a record of it either

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