You're f***ing kidding me

Discussion in 'The Cesspit: Rugby League Discussion' started by Magic, Aug 26, 2013.

  1. KimmorleyKiller XX Meister

    Seeing it again it's probably a bit harsh to say 'he ran into the shoulder', but there's still nothing wrong there by Snowden. It was just incredibly unlucky that Thompson got pulled down from behind at the same time as impact.
  2. morgieb MC Burridge

    That's fucking bullshit. Thompson ran into Snowden!
  3. Frizzed WC Welker

    That's hilarious.

    That honestly broke his jaw ? :lol:!

    RIP Rugby League.
  4. KimmorleyKiller XX Meister

    They talk about how the decoy runner is supposed to 'disappear' ... where the fuck is Snowden supposed to go?
  5. Sultan Pepper HG Emm

    Fuck me that is pathetic.
  6. Pretzel P Retzel

    Eh, pretty unlucky but at the same time Snowden did drop his shoulder so it was a shoulder charge that made contact with the head. You still get penalised for a high shot when someone's falling.
  7. jazman84 JM Eightyfour

    Pritchard's was way worse though. Yet even before loading, he would have got 1 week less than Snowden.
  8. Cribbage RG Cribb

    Yeah but you don't get suspended for 9 weeks for it.

    Tbh, I'd actually have much less problem with this suspension if they didn't make the shoulder charge illegal. If they just came out and said "shoulder charge at your own risk, we won't outlaw it but if you make contact with the head then you're going to be rubbed out for ages" then I think that would've been a fair response to the issue. But outlawing it altogether AND giving a massive suspension for something like that is dire IMO.
  9. League Lover L Lover

    AWTA - The idea behind making the shoulder charge illegal is to protect the player and limit high shots. Rather than outlawing it, they should take a hard line approach. There is nothing better in the game than a well lined up shoulder charge. If the NRL came out and said that you if you make high contact, you're gone, a lot more players would/should more careful.
  10. Reagan Wheelson RDP Wheelson

    So what if it broke his jaw? Last time I checked, penalties, fines and suspensions were supposed to be put in place when something illegal happens, not because some one got injured.
    Shame that rugby, of all sports, is becoming soft like soccer.
  11. Speirz DG Speirs

    It seems to me like you actually want them to deal with the issue in a similar manner to what soccer actually does quite well by ruling based on the rules rather than the injury.
  12. Frizzed WC Welker

    Didn't SBW nearly kill someone not long ago and only got like 2 weeks ?
  13. Tartmaster AJ James

    But $BW is in the top echelon of players and therefore immune to hefty suspensions.

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