Idea For Next Season

Discussion in 'CricSim Cricket' started by Boobidy, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. Boobidy BJ Gemmell

    Bowl them out to enforce a follow-on and then only have a certain amount of runs to make and knowing how long you have to make them. A team chasing 600 might play for a draw etc etc
  2. Boobidy BJ Gemmell

    The idea of rain isn't being talked about as a way to shorten the games. It's being talked about as making it more like real cricket.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2010
  3. Mousey AJ Son

    That's not our argument though.

    You want 4-day game to create more draws.

    Boobs and I think that adding a weather variable would make the game more interesting.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2010
  4. Baxter MJ Deane

    Batting for a draw when there are 7 sessions left isn't a particularly easy thing to do. You'd still be better off just throwing the willow once you get to 400 in the first innings and adding runs quickly, rather than declaring.
  5. Mousey AJ Son

    Yeah, this.
  6. Baxter MJ Deane

    Nah, not just for more draws. I think it'd make it more interesting as it would open up declaration targets and the like. Could also change the make up with sides. Like in Test matches, if a side needs a win they play the extra bowler to try and force a result. More likely to be of importance in a four day game.
  7. Baxter MJ Deane

    Yeah because First Class cricket isn't four days. Silly me.
  8. Mousey AJ Son

    Well that's the first I've heard of this. Get it out there man. I would have agreed with it! If I wasn't all for this weather idea... ftr weather would have this exact same effect, just it would be random and unpredictable.

    EDIT: Oh, except for the extra bowler thing.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2010
  9. Boobidy BJ Gemmell

    And if you have a defensive batting order throwing the bat around is stupid and a waste of time.

    I can't blame a pommy for not knowing much about declarations.
    I know FC cricket is 4 days, but the BS is the main thing people follow so it must be a 5day game the same as test cricket.
  10. Baxter MJ Deane

    It doesn't have to be anything.
    BS = 4 days
    Origin and PC = 5 day
    Finals = timeless.
    I don't see the issue there.

    You still haven't given me an infallible example of when scoring less runs before declaring is a good idea (time withstanding)
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2010
  11. Baxter MJ Deane

    Yes but random and unpredictable, whilst being "exciting" has no sort of tactic behind it.
    The four day idea offers eveything that the weather does but you can do things with it. It works with the sim IMO.
    Works with the idea of changeable pitch conditions as well IMO. If the Stickies needed a win in their final home game to make the finals, you'd make the pitch a bit jucier and consider an extra bowler. Would you not?
  12. Boobidy BJ Gemmell

    BS is more important than Rep stuff, IMO. It definitely needs to be 5 day.

    Time has everything to do with it. You can't take time out of the equation when talking about a declaration.
    Changeable pitches is stupid. Should not ever be used.
  13. Baxter MJ Deane

    What I meant was you'd declare before you reached 1200. So basically I'm talking about reasonable declarations.
    Why's it better to declare on 400 than 550?
  14. Boobidy BJ Gemmell

    It all depends on the situation. It could be better to declare on 400 if you need a result and don't wanna risk time running out.
  15. Baxter MJ Deane

    But you can take that into account if you know the game is going for days. You know that prior to the match starting.
    There's **** all you can do if you decide to bat for 6 sessions and it pisses it down for the 3rd and 4th day.
  16. Boobidy BJ Gemmell


    That's why live captaincy would also be good for it. Do you want it to stay like it is so it's all choreographed and no risk of something else happening out of the blue? Weather brings in so many more options.
  17. Baxter MJ Deane

    To me, weather just seems an inferior version of shortening matches to four days.
    It just brings in a ridiculous amount of luck into the final result. Whereas with four days it requires some sort of method/tactic to force a result.
    There's literally nothing you can do if 3 and a half days are rained out.
    It's not like real cricket where you can anticipate the weather either. In real life you can declare once the covers come on, don't see how you'd be able to foresee that prior to it actually happening.
  18. Baxter MJ Deane

    Both ideas would be better with live captaincy. IMO

    4day/live > weather/live > 4day/non live > weather/nonlive
  19. Boobidy BJ Gemmell

    This isn't about shortening matches you dumb ****, get that into your thick pommy head. And live captaincy means you can declare when that shit happens.
  20. Baxter MJ Deane

    I know it's not about shortening matches, but effectively, that's what the weather does.
    It's hardly going to make them longer is it?

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