Idea For Next Season

Discussion in 'CricSim Cricket' started by Boobidy, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. Boobidy BJ Gemmell

    In your example the Gamblers had an opportunity to win, but could only take 8 wickets.

    But I do see where you're coming from. You should argue this the next time rain stops a result in a test match. They should just come back for a 6th day so people can get some more enjoyment.

    You sound like a T20 fan and a test cricket hater.
  2. Boobidy BJ Gemmell

    I didn't realise a draw was considered a cancelled match.
  3. Baxter MJ Deane

    I'm not, you're really not seeing where we're coming from.
    If you want it to be entirely realistic I suggest you go and play cricket..
    I know some people that would argue Test cricket would be better without rain, different humidities and temperatures are all good, but why lose play?
    This sim doesn't just have the purpose of being realistic, does it?
  4. McGrath JE McGrath

    Tired. You havent really over exerted yourself this season in the runs department. Must be diabities.
  5. the_killerz S Bakkum

  6. Boobidy BJ Gemmell

    I do play cricket. This is a cricket sim, how dare we try and make it a little bit more realistic.

    I bet all of those people are poms.
    It indeed was the worst season of my career. But I probably still scored more runs than a shit **** like you.
  7. McGrath JE McGrath

    I never said I'd be top scorer.
  8. Baxter MJ Deane

    How dare we make it less enjoyable? Because IMO, that's what introducing weather could do.
  9. Baxter MJ Deane

    You didn't actually.
  10. Boobidy BJ Gemmell

  11. Boobidy BJ Gemmell

    Because you aren't good enough. You in career best form = just keeping your spot in first grade.
    To some it could. Not everyone is gonna be happy with everything.
    Oh damn, he scored less than 100 more runs than me. Point remains.
  12. Baxter MJ Deane

    So we do what pleases the masses? Or ultimately, what Cribb decides.
    What point? The point that you probably scored more runs than him this season? Which was wrong...
  13. Boobidy BJ Gemmell

    We do what is best for the sim. I think the addition of weather is best.

    The point that he is a shit **** and is trying to talk down to someone who is just as good as him when is terrible form. Me batting left handed >>>> whoever that guy from before was.
  14. Baxter MJ Deane

    And IMO it isn't. We're not getting anywhere here.
  15. Boobidy BJ Gemmell

    That's the point of forums.
  16. Baxter MJ Deane

    Yeah, we've had the discussion. Where we both had a point. Now we both know each other's point.
    Though what does the weather offer that 4 day matches doesn't
  17. SuperNova SJ Nova

  18. Boobidy BJ Gemmell

    5 day matches.
  19. CCG C Golding


    I love it when Marcuss decides he's not gonna give in to something, always a gun conversation to follow (provided I'm not arguing against him in which case it's ****ing annoying!) but nevertheless it's a sim, if we want real cricket we go play real cricket. Weather adds realism but will detract from enjoyment tbh.
  20. SuperNova SJ Nova

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