~MF Reviews A Player~

Discussion in 'The Cesspit: Rugby League Discussion' started by Maroon_Faithful, Nov 7, 2012.

  1. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    Someone needed to get people back in here. This place, in fact it seems like most of Cricsim, is pretty fucking dead atm. In cricket season too. Just goes to show again what a horrible game it is.
  2. morgieb MC Burridge

    It's the holiday season, wtf did you expect?
  3. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    Nah shit's been going down hill since the footy season finished. RL > Croquet.
  4. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    Just walk away Skippos :p
  5. Lukic L Popovic

    The forum has been going down for the past 3 years.

    CPL rugby and RLSim were the peak.
  6. Old Mate M Perry

    I used to wank to rlsim.
  7. morgieb MC Burridge

  8. Benny BS Read

    If a viable rl simulator was available it'd bring so much activity
  9. Cribbage RG Cribb

    It's because we have a good rugby league community and a shit cricket community. There's a reason I post on CW but not Rleague.

    There are two main things that keep this forum alive

    - Simming
    - Rugby league discussion

    Neither are happening at the moment, plus it's hols. Bound to be quiet.
  10. SM MD Dorn

    Mark has terrible hands, but he's still my fav player. Getting better too. Hectic hole runner. Can't tackle though. Can't do alot. Still love him
  11. GYR DW Lewis

    I used to wank while simming RLSim and writing commentary.
  12. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    I know mate. Just gamin. Cricket's a wonderful sport. If you like watching five days of herbaceous growth resulting in a draw.
  13. Hunter AD Hunt

    I'm thinking MF's dislike for cricket is because QLD is balls at it.
  14. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    QLD plays cricket?
  15. Sizzler WD Robinson

    Rleague is so dead at the moment i couldn't even get my 5th multi banned :S
  16. Harry Sack SB Slippy

  17. Boobidy BJ Gemmell

    Dunno what it is, but I'm sure I am.
    QLD dominate NSW.
  18. Bovver M Kaye

    Hes also a complete wanker of a person, we were lining up at family one night and we needed 10$ to get in so our mate srama asked Idris to borrow 10$ so i could get in and i'd give it back to him as soon as we got inside because i needed to goto the atm. Ended up chucking a big fuss then gave me the 10$ and was acting like i was robbing him of money.
  19. Benny BS Read

    Dunno bout you but i wouldn't lend some random cunt ten bucks to get in at the footy
  20. Bovver M Kaye

    He was lending it too Srama who was then giving it too me till we got in. We are not complete Strangers. I've been out a few times where hes been with my group and we've had chats. Why wouldn't you trust your own team mate?

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