Most hated CricSim club?

Discussion in 'CricSim Cricket' started by morgieb, Oct 9, 2011.


Which CricSim club do you hate the most?

  1. Allstars

  2. Crusaders

  3. Cyclones

  4. Gamblers

  5. Pumas

  6. Ravens

  7. Sticky Wickets

  8. Stingrays

  9. Vipers

  10. Don't hate any of them

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  1. MatthewJay TA Miokovic

    Don't see how people can hate the Gamblers when we have the Vipers in the competition.
  2. Choco C Man

    More like "Don't want to get into a conflict" gay guys.
  3. Captain SSD Dong

    A few people annoy me but I genuinely don't hate any club.
  4. Ari PM Jackson

    Give it time.
  5. Callum CJ Laing

    Is that because they all have potential meals within them?
  6. 99* JJ Ritchie

  7. Captain SSD Dong

    ^ Person who annoys me

    Nah just kidding. Spread the lurv.
  8. Eds E Ames

    Change my vote to Poomas.
  9. Mousey AJ Son

  10. MatthewJay TA Miokovic

    Jealous that we signed a player?
  11. RyanG R Gee

    You know it's not only the Vipers that think you're a muppet, right?
  12. Flack SA Flack

    Not only Theo who hates the Vipers and their faggot hiss crew either.
  13. SuperNova SJ Nova

  14. Peaches DT Petrucci


    I see what you did there.
  15. azzal AJ O'Neill

  16. Zakaron SDR Laing

    looks like the Gams are going to win it.
  17. LukeTyson L Tyson

    What formula did you use to work that one out ?
  18. Cevno IV Narang

    Almost all Vipers voting for the Gamblers and almost all Gamblers voting for the Vipers is interesting.
  19. Farhat AM Farhat

  20. MatthewJay TA Miokovic

    And I'm not the only one who fucking hates the Vipers.
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