Amy Winehouse Dies

Discussion in 'Entertainment Lounge' started by crowley, Jul 24, 2011.

  1. Julian BJ Taylor

    What do Amy Winehouse & Sir Alex Ferguson have in common? Neither of them will be playing Giggs this August
  2. Baxter MJ Deane

    I don't want to get too involved in this. My opinions on addiction can be somewhat different.

    But IMO, it's quite apparent she wasn't of a wholly sound mind. I mean, whatever turned her towards drugs is ultimately irrelevant but the fact that she was in such a state where drugs were a viable option, an escape a release. Whatever I dgaf. I don't think you can take too much from the decisions she made while in such a state though.
  3. Das09 S Das

    Listened to some of her songs and I pretty much liked it.

    RIP Winehouse.
  4. Skippos SM Morgan

    Tears Dry on their Own is a class song, as is Valerie IMO
  5. Phlegm SP Phlegm

    Haha awta

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