Attn: Diggler and Choco

Discussion in 'Entertainment Lounge' started by Sultan Pepper, Jul 13, 2012.

  1. Sultan Pepper HG Emm

    I need the bassline for the following song tabbed please, I've had a crack and just can't get it right:

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    thanks boys
  2. Pretzel P Retzel


    if ur being serious though:

    D, F, A C - play these in octaves and slide up to the next note-


    then the second half of the riff sounds like a C hammering onto a D and then a little riff involving the same notes an octave higher.
  3. PaulFromOz PF Oz

    Last edited: Jul 13, 2012
  4. TheGreemSim ER Witters

    On an unrelated note before this band was big, they played in my town and my best mates band opened for them. And I spoke to the singer for a bit, she's a very "Out There" chick to say the least.
  5. Sultan Pepper HG Emm

    Yeah she seems like a bit of a space cadet.

    Will try retzel and paulies versions when I get home. Would still appreciate Digglers thoughts before I commit too much effort to either.
  6. TheGreemSim ER Witters

    Oh and hate to throw a spanner in the works but

  7. Sultan Pepper HG Emm

    Did you do that or did you google search?
  8. Pretzel P Retzel

    That looks pretty right to me.
  9. TheGreemSim ER Witters

    Google search not even gonna lie. Have been meaning to learn it for a while and Pretzel's sounded right but I wanted to get the rest so I went out to see what I could find and voila!
  10. Pretzel P Retzel

  11. Dirk Diggler DM Diggler

  12. Sultan Pepper HG Emm


    I'll assume Digglers 'lolface' was at the simplicity of us white kids stumbling through working out such a simple song. Sorry to waste your time
  13. Dirk Diggler DM Diggler

  14. TBra TJ Bradford

    Top song, been meaning to learn this one on bass too.
  15. TBra TJ Bradford

    Also what basses do you guys play? I have a Music Man Stingray, Fender CIJ Precision and a Fleabass.
  16. Hunter AD Hunt


  17. Sultan Pepper HG Emm

    I'll check when I get home, it's not a particularly good one, I've got an ashton electric acoustic guitar and a shitty old nylon stringed one from when I was a kid somewhere. Only been slappin' de bass for about a month now but certainly enjoying it.
  18. BigGuns DA Astele

    Sell me that funky ass fleabass please.
  19. TBra TJ Bradford

    Haha I've been thinking about getting rid of it. The only thing stopping me is that they don't make them anymore. Looks like this but has a big red RHCP sticker.


    Offer? :P
  20. TheGreemSim ER Witters

    I have a Yamaha. No idea what model but I don't think it's still in production whatever it is.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2012

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