Best movie sequels of all time

Discussion in 'Entertainment Lounge' started by Alec, Jun 10, 2011.

  1. SM MD Dorn

    Yea fair shout. The storyline has potential, but they killed it. Same with Resurrection. Storyline had a good concept, shit way of portraying it
  2. Alec AD Funkotron

    Alien 1 is definitely the scarier movie. I remember watching it when I was really young, the facehuggers + the chestburster scene scarred me for life. :laugh:
  3. SM MD Dorn

    Face huggers FTW.

    Reckon the Alien vs Predator sequel was alright too
  4. Rego RS Hutchinson

    They fucked up by killing her off in the 3rd. So many people were disappointed as they knew there couldn't be a 4th.

    Obviously there was a 4th but I didn't like it tbh.

    Saw them all when I was younger. I think we have the whole disc set somewhere.
  5. HeathDavisSpeed HT Davis

    Possibly (re: Resurrection). It was such a hash job though. I have to say, I thought the whole premise was a bit shit, but thinking about it, I guess the general idea works, but the execution was incredibly poor. I didn't think the studio messed around with Resurrection like they did with Alien 3. I've got the director's cut of Alien 3 somewhere, and most of the extra scenes are poorly edited (as you'd expect, they were cut after all!) but the film makes much more narrative sense with them in there.
  6. Athlai JJD Heads

    Vincent Ward's idea for Alien 3 was kind of awesome.
  7. SM MD Dorn

    Vincent Ward's idea???

    Yea Heef, often critical scenes to the story get cut, it's fucking annoying
  8. Athlai JJD Heads

  9. SM MD Dorn

    Um, no. Shit idea IMO
  10. Athlai JJD Heads

    Would've been gun.
  11. SM MD Dorn

    Nah, shit :p
  12. Mousey AJ Son

    Indiana Jones? Which was the first? :p
  13. Alec AD Funkotron

    Raiders of the Lost Arc, and it's still widely considered the best. I was a big fan of all the movies though, with the exception of the Shia LeFuckingBoof one.
  14. Julian BJ Taylor

    The Jurassic Park post surely has to be a joke.
  15. Athlai JJD Heads

    Jurrassic Park 2 the tall grass scene is one of the greatest moments in cinema.
  16. Sultan Pepper HG Emm

    Yeah the lost world is pretty bullshit(as in good)
  17. azzal AJ O'Neill

    Undisputed 3.
  18. Sultan Pepper HG Emm

    Austin Powers 2
  19. SM MD Dorn

    Fast and The Furious 2
  20. azzal AJ O'Neill

    Agree with SM

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