CPL Rugby NNRL Style Auction - a simulator test

Discussion in 'CPL Rugby' started by Cribbage, Nov 17, 2013.

  1. Farhat AM Farhat

    Same. Cbf'ed changing.
  2. Fungus K Fung

    Yeah, pretty much the same. Might as well hope for some bargains or something.
  3. Cribbage RG Cribb

    Two spots left.
  4. RyanG R Gee

    Man, so much harder than I thought it was going to be. Only 6 fucking players in and i'm already thinking I couldn't be arsed. I don't like having to think for myself and manually look things up :p
  5. Cribbage RG Cribb

    Haha, you can use the NNRL player search thing still I think, although that won't give you WC/ESL/lower grade players.
  6. RyanG R Gee

    Put my (terrible) bids in. Was pretty excited at first but found it really hard to be motivated enough to finish that.
  7. Cribbage RG Cribb

    I think I can confirm now that we'll be having 20. Even if no-one else signs up from now, I know Gemmell will on Wednesday if it's not full yet.

    One spot left for anyone who still wants to join.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2013
  8. Skippos SM Morgan

    tempted half because i want to and half because i know how much it'd fuck off gemmell
  9. Cribbage RG Cribb

    I'd be highly surprised if no-one else joined before Gemmell anyway. :p
  10. Skippos SM Morgan

    fine i'll do it
  11. Lukic L Popovic

    How long before results?
  12. Cribbage RG Cribb

    Well we still don't have 20. So fuck knows. :p
  13. Skippos SM Morgan

    I just sent bids 20 here we come
  14. Cribbage RG Cribb

    Well fuck you then.

    I still have a few TV shows to watch before I post up the results so any Aussies/Kiwis with normal sleeping patterns who are considering staying up for it or anything like, just go to bed.
  15. Cribbage RG Cribb

    Every possibility I'll go to sleep after that too, so yeah.

  16. SM MD Dorn

    Damn. Missed out. Will watch with interest
  17. Hunter AD Hunt

  18. Colesy BL Hornby

    Fml. Just seen this.
  19. Hunter AD Hunt

    It's only to test the sim out. You should be sweet to be in the proper thing.
  20. Julian BJ Taylor

    cribbs having a super sleep.

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