First draft - new sim player attributes

Discussion in 'CribbSim Rugby League' started by Cribbage, Nov 8, 2009.

  1. Cribbage RG Cribb

    EDIT: Second draft on post 23
    EDIT: Third draft on post 70
    EDIT: Draft 4 on post 106
    EDIT: Draft 5 on post 223
    EDIT: Draft 6 on post 602
    			Half	Tight	Fringe	Wide	Kick	Organ-	Creat-	Step/	Hole						Short	Long	Tight	Wide	Def
    			Run	Run	Run 	Run	Return	-ising	-ivity	Fend	Run	Pass	Catch	Jump	Pace	O'load	Kick	Kick	Def	Def	Read	Fitness	Durability
    Robert Cribb		6.7	2.9	3.8	4.4	2.9	9.0	6.7	7.3	4.4	9.0	7.3	2.6	5.3	4.3	7.8	7.9	6.2	4.6	5.2	8.8	8.8	
    Ben Read		3.6	7.2	8.9	6.3	2.7	2.7	2.7	5.4	6.7	5.4	8.1	2.7	5.4	8.1	2.7	2.7	8.9	7.2	8.1	8.9	8.9	
    Tom Delonge		4.0	7.6	7.2	5.4	3.1	3.1	4.0	6.0	6.5	5.4	8.4	2.6	5.8	8.1	3.1	3.1	8.2	3.4	3.7	8.7	8.7	
    Ali Farhat		4.9	2.6	4.1	5.6	2.6	7.2	7.2	6.4	5.6	7.9	7.2	2.3	5.4	4.1	7.2	7.2	1.8	5.7	6.4	7.7	7.7	
    Jason Denton		2.9	6.5	6.0	4.1	2.2	2.2	2.2	3.6	4.1	3.4	6.0	2.2	4.1	5.6	2.2	2.2	7.2	3.4	3.7	7.2	7.2	
    Joshua Ritchie		4.4	2.7	4.4	5.5	2.7	5.5	6.6	5.5	5.5	6.6	6.0	1.7	4.5	4.4	6.6	5.5	1.2	3.5	4.6	5.6	5.6	
    Sam Verigotta		3.2	4.8	6.1	5.2	2.5	2.5	2.5	5.6	6.9	4.5	6.5	2.0	5.1	6.5	2.5	2.5	6.2	4.8	5.5	6.7	6.7	
    Heath Davis		6.5	3.2	3.2	7.8	7.8	3.2	3.2	7.8	5.9	3.2	6.5	4.6	6.6	3.2	3.2	3.2	1.0	5.3	5.3	6.6	6.6	
    Tim Taylor		5.8	3.1	4.0	5.8	3.1	9.3	7.5	7.5	5.8	9.3	8.4	2.6	5.3	4.0	7.5	9.3	3.0	8.3	8.3	8.8	8.8	
    Alec Funkotron		8.6	4.2	6.8	10.0	5.9	4.2	5.5	10.0	10.0	7.7	9.5	5.3	8.0	5.1	4.2	5.1	2.1	7.4	7.4	8.9	8.9	
    Jack Dempsey		7.3	2.3	3.5	3.5	2.3	6.4	5.6	6.4	3.1	8.1	6.0	2.5	5.4	3.9	6.0	5.6	8.6	3.6	4.4	8.4	8.4	
    Chocolate Man		4.0	6.6	8.4	6.6	3.1	3.1	3.1	6.6	8.2	5.7	8.4	2.6	6.1	8.4	3.1	3.1	8.2	6.5	7.4	8.7	8.7	
    Duckworth Lewis		4.1	9.5	7.7	5.0	3.2	3.2	3.2	4.1	4.1	4.1	7.7	2.7	4.5	6.8	3.2	3.2	8.5	2.2	2.2	9.0	9.0	
    Ben Manera		5.3	1.0	3.6	7.0	2.7	1.0	2.3	7.0	7.0	4.4	6.1	5.1	7.6	1.9	1.0	1.9	4.9	10.0	10.0	8.5	8.5	
    Matt Johns		5.7	3.2	5.7	7.3	3.2	7.3	8.9	7.3	7.3	8.9	8.1	2.5	6.5	5.7	8.9	7.3	2.5	5.8	7.4	8.2	8.2	
    James Torres		5.4	2.7	2.7	6.9	6.9	3.1	3.7	6.9	5.5	4.1	6.4	4.6	6.1	2.9	3.7	3.7	1.6	5.8	5.8	6.5	6.5	
    Ryan Gayler		6.9	4.2	6.9	8.7	4.2	8.7	10.0	8.7	8.7	10.0	9.6	2.7	7.2	6.9	10.0	8.7	2.1	5.7	7.5	9.0	9.0	
    Ben Hornby		7.4	3.0	4.5	4.2	2.7	5.1	5.9	6.2	3.8	7.8	6.5	2.2	5.1	5.0	5.3	5.3	7.0	2.9	3.7	7.5	7.5	
    Cameron Darts		5.1	2.9	3.3	6.8	5.8	3.2	4.1	6.8	6.2	4.8	7.1	4.9	5.6	3.3	4.0	4.1	1.4	5.4	5.4	6.4	6.4	
    Steven Cambridge	6.2	3.1	3.1	8.0	8.0	3.7	4.5	8.0	6.5	5.0	7.6	5.5	7.3	3.4	4.5	4.5	1.8	7.1	7.1	7.8	7.8	
    Alan Parker		3.7	6.0	7.6	6.0	2.9	2.9	2.9	6.0	7.4	5.2	7.6	2.3	5.4	7.6	2.9	2.9	7.1	5.6	6.4	7.7	7.7	
    Matt Dorn		5.4	2.9	5.4	7.0	2.9	7.0	8.6	7.0	7.0	8.6	7.8	2.4	6.5	5.4	8.6	7.0	1.7	5.0	6.6	8.1	8.1	
    Samuel Yates		6.1	3.6	3.6	9.5	9.5	3.6	5.3	9.5	9.5	7.0	8.7	6.0	8.5	4.4	5.3	5.3	1.6	7.5	7.5	8.5	8.5	
    Gareth Weaver		3.9	8.9	7.3	4.7	3.0	3.0	3.0	3.9	3.9	3.9	7.3	2.5	4.2	6.4	3.0	3.0	7.9	2.0	2.0	8.4	8.4	
    Billy Olsen		2.9	5.1	6.5	5.1	2.2	2.2	2.2	5.1	6.4	4.4	6.5	2.2	5.1	6.5	2.2	2.2	7.3	5.8	6.5	7.3	7.3	
    Haydos Bots		8.8	4.6	4.6	10.0	10.0	4.6	4.6	10.0	8.0	4.6	8.8	5.8	8.3	4.6	4.6	4.6	1.0	6.1	6.1	8.3	8.3	
    Regan Hutchinson	4.3	2.7	3.2	6.5	2.7	3.2	5.4	6.5	5.4	6.5	6.5	2.8	4.4	3.2	5.4	5.4	1.2	4.5	4.5	5.5	5.5	
    Damien Taylor		3.5	6.7	5.9	4.3	2.7	2.7	5.1	5.9	5.9	5.9	8.3	2.4	5.6	8.3	2.7	2.7	6.8	1.2	1.2	8.0	8.0	
    Sam Green		2.7	5.2	6.9	5.2	1.8	1.8	1.8	5.2	6.8	4.4	6.9	2.6	6.0	6.9	1.8	1.8	9.3	7.6	8.4	8.5	8.5	
    Brett Gemmell		6.5	5.7	7.4	5.7	3.9	7.4	8.3	6.5	6.5	9.2	10.0	2.6	5.3	10.0	8.3	8.3	7.6	4.9	5.8	8.8	8.8	
    Luke Pilgrim		8.3	4.0	5.8	5.1	2.8	4.8	6.0	7.1	4.9	8.0	6.9	2.6	6.4	5.3	5.1	5.1	8.5	4.2	5.0	8.7	8.7	
    Daniel Speirs		5.1	1.7	1.7	6.7	6.7	1.7	1.7	6.7	5.1	1.7	6.7	7.1	7.5	1.7	1.7	1.7	3.2	9.1	9.1	8.3	8.3	
    Scott Flack		7.2	2.9	4.8	5.5	2.9	7.4	7.6	7.4	5.2	9.2	7.5	2.7	6.3	5.1	7.8	6.9	6.5	4.7	6.0	8.9	8.9	
    Adam Vago		3.4	5.6	7.1	5.6	2.7	2.7	2.7	5.6	6.9	4.9	7.1	2.2	5.1	7.1	2.7	2.7	6.8	5.4	6.1	7.3	7.3	
    Reece Fittaman		6.4	3.0	3.0	7.8	7.8	3.0	3.0	7.8	5.8	3.0	6.4	4.8	6.9	3.0	3.0	3.0	1.1	5.9	5.9	6.9	6.9	
    Luka Popovic		6.0	2.8	4.4	8.3	3.6	3.2	5.4	8.3	7.5	7.1	7.9	4.3	6.6	3.6	4.8	5.2	2.6	7.3	7.3	7.8	7.8	
    Morgan Burridge		4.6	5.3	6.8	5.8	2.8	3.0	3.5	6.5	7.5	5.3	7.0	2.3	6.0	6.9	3.3	3.3	7.0	5.3	6.0	7.5	7.5	
    Brett Hall		3.3	1.6	1.8	4.6	4.1	1.8	2.3	4.6	3.9	2.7	4.6	3.9	4.5	1.8	2.2	2.3	1.7	4.8	4.8	5.0	5.0	
    Ben Herd		7.0	3.2	5.5	8.7	4.7	3.7	5.2	8.8	8.7	7.2	8.5	4.9	7.5	4.4	4.3	4.8	2.3	6.9	7.1	8.7	8.7	
    Lucas Schaw		1.7	1.0	1.0	3.6	3.6	1.0	2.3	3.6	3.6	3.3	3.9	3.8	4.9	1.0	2.3	2.3	2.9	6.7	6.7	5.4	5.4	
    Theo Miokovic		5.4	8.5	7.8	6.2	4.6	4.6	6.9	7.8	7.8	7.8	10.0	2.4	5.5	10.0	4.7	4.7	5.6	1.2	1.3	7.9	7.9	
    Michael Chung		3.0	5.2	5.2	3.7	2.0	2.2	2.5	3.8	4.2	3.2	5.3	2.1	4.5	4.9	2.3	2.3	7.5	4.2	4.6	7.0	7.0	
    Wes Welker		3.4	4.0	5.2	4.4	2.5	3.2	3.3	5.0	5.8	4.7	6.1	1.7	4.3	6.1	3.3	3.3	5.0	3.7	4.3	5.8	5.8	
    Jesse Harding		2.8	1.1	1.1	5.2	5.2	1.7	3.4	5.2	5.2	4.8	5.5	4.8	6.2	1.7	3.4	3.4	2.1	6.8	6.8	6.8	6.8	
    Bob Borisc		4.6	1.4	3.0	7.1	2.2	1.8	4.1	7.1	6.3	5.9	6.7	4.4	6.9	2.2	3.4	3.8	4.2	9.1	9.1	8.1	8.1	
    Ioane Tivao		2.4	4.0	5.0	4.0	1.8	1.8	1.8	4.0	4.9	3.4	5.0	1.6	3.7	5.0	1.8	1.8	5.1	4.0	4.5	5.3	5.3	
    Callum Laing		2.6	5.7	7.2	4.9	1.8	1.8	1.8	4.1	5.3	4.1	6.4	2.3	4.6	6.4	1.8	1.8	8.2	6.7	7.4	7.7	7.7	
    Kyle Tait		7.1	3.3	5.5	8.6	4.8	3.3	4.4	8.6	8.6	6.3	7.8	4.5	6.8	4.0	3.3	4.0	2.0	6.6	6.6	7.6	7.6	
    Sam Graham		6.3	2.6	3.6	5.4	2.6	5.2	5.9	7.0	4.6	7.9	6.8	2.9	5.5	3.8	6.2	5.9	5.6	4.7	5.1	7.7	7.7	
    <a href=""style="color: #000000" target="_blank"><a href=""style="color: #000000" target="_blank"><a href=""style="color: #000000" target="_blank"><a href=""style="color: #000000" target="_blank"><a href=""style="color: #000000" target="_blank"><a href=""style="color: #000000" target="_blank">BOY Blunder</a></a></a></a></a></a>		3.5	7.9	6.4	4.2	2.7	2.7	2.7	3.5	3.5	3.5	6.4	2.2	3.7	5.7	2.7	2.7	6.9	1.7	1.7	7.4	7.4	
    Simon Laing		5.6	3.0	3.9	5.6	3.0	9.0	7.3	7.3	5.6	9.0	8.1	2.5	5.1	3.9	7.3	9.0	2.9	8.0	8.0	8.5	8.5	
    Eddie Morris		4.5	2.2	3.3	5.3	3.2	5.4	5.4	5.8	4.9	6.0	6.1	2.5	5.1	3.3	5.4	5.4	2.3	5.9	6.4	6.7	6.7	
    Chris Golding		4.0	2.1	3.1	5.3	2.1	4.6	5.6	5.7	4.8	6.4	6.1	2.4	4.6	3.1	5.6	5.6	2.2	5.6	5.9	6.2	6.2	
    Rabbit Boy		5.1	3.4	3.4	7.5	7.5	5.1	7.5	7.5	7.5	9.1	9.1	5.7	6.5	4.3	7.5	7.5	1.4	7.1	7.1	8.1	8.1	
    Jaques McGrath		5.6	5.0	6.2	5.0	2.4	3.1	4.3	5.6	5.6	5.0	5.6	1.9	5.1	5.3	3.7	3.7	5.9	4.0	4.6	6.4	6.4	
    Aleks Culum		3.9	2.7	3.5	4.7	2.9	3.3	4.4	4.9	4.6	5.1	5.3	2.1	3.5	3.5	4.3	4.2	1.6	2.5	2.8	4.5	4.5	
    Allan Izett		9.1	3.1	4.8	4.8	3.1	5.7	6.5	7.4	3.9	9.1	6.9	2.6	6.0	4.8	5.7	5.7	7.6	2.4	3.3	8.6	8.6	
    Corbin Jennings		5.1	3.0	5.1	6.4	3.0	6.4	7.8	6.4	6.4	7.8	7.1	2.0	5.4	5.1	7.8	6.4	1.0	3.4	4.8	6.8	6.8	
    Mate Perry		6.3	3.7	5.4	7.2	3.7	9.0	9.0	8.1	7.2	9.8	9.0	2.7	6.2	5.4	9.0	9.0	2.5	7.0	7.8	8.8	8.8	
    Luke Tyson		3.9	6.7	8.4	6.4	3.0	3.0	3.0	6.0	7.4	5.5	8.1	2.5	5.5	8.1	3.0	3.0	7.9	6.2	7.1	8.4	8.4	
    Ed Ames			4.3	2.4	2.7	6.9	5.0	3.7	6.4	6.9	6.4	8.0	8.0	5.0	6.4	3.2	6.4	6.4	2.1	7.0	7.0	8.0	8.0	
    Shane Masters		7.8	4.0	4.0	9.3	9.3	4.0	4.0	9.3	7.0	4.0	7.8	5.3	7.5	4.0	4.0	4.0	1.0	5.8	5.8	7.5	7.5	
    Doug Dafter		3.5	1.2	2.3	5.2	1.8	1.5	3.1	5.2	4.6	4.3	4.9	3.1	4.8	1.8	2.6	2.9	2.8	6.2	6.2	5.7	5.7	
    Takes into account everyone's regos and post ranks. I can see several problems with it already (the way it handled Chung looks especially harsh to me, I'll have to see why and fix that up) but I thought I'd chuck it up for discussion.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2009
  2. Kegdrinker LA Pilgrim

    Im not that bad.
  3. Lukic L Popovic

    Pretty dire how Alec is more creative when he has 0 creative centre and I'm 50 creative...
  4. Alec AD Funkotron

    Happy with my stats. Defense is surprisingly decent too.
  5. Colesy BL Hornby

    Well i'm fairly shit then
  6. Old Mate M Perry

    Somebody to get that table but post it with my attributes. <_<
  7. Kegdrinker LA Pilgrim

    Your 5 from the bottom Perry.
  8. Alec AD Funkotron

    You have plenty to learn yet. :p
  9. Kylez KF Tait

    Yeah I'm happy, Ireckon my stats are pretty good, I should be the fastest though :ninja:
  10. Lukic L Popovic

    Looks ok, just I think it's too highly concentrated on post count.
  11. Old Mate M Perry

    Wow, I'm definitely going to be QLD halfback next season.
  12. El Nino J Torres

    I thought i was a lot worse than i actually am
  13. Kegdrinker LA Pilgrim

    GYR and Gee are 2 fitest players.
  14. Alec AD Funkotron

    Can't believe some **** I've never heard of is quicker than me! Who the hell is Yates?
  15. SM MD Dorn

    Durability means?
  16. El Nino J Torres

  17. Kegdrinker LA Pilgrim

    how many hits you can take i would assume.
  18. Boobidy BJ Gemmell

    Yeah, quite happy with how I am.
  19. Flack SA Flack

    Flack >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cribb, so that's not too bad at all.
  20. SM MD Dorn

    Should Filter it by position :p

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