Too many halves

Discussion in 'The Cesspit: Rugby League Discussion' started by Hybrid, Apr 23, 2009.

  1. Freddy MJ Johns

    In First Grade everyones tackling needs to be up to standard, even moreso than your ball handling skills because the oppostite team can target you shit defense. A fullback is required to have the best 1 on 1 defense and be able to read the play to a well above average standard. If you don't think a halfback needs to tackle you are dim, id you don't think a fullback needs to be able to tackle you are ****ing retarded.
  2. Freddy MJ Johns

  3. Hybrid A Kolar

    I don't usually stir up shit, not really that type of person. But with the amount of crap that comes out of your mouth that you think is pure league genius ... it's hard not to.

    Like seriously, to suggest that a fullback doesn't need to be a good tackler is just plain laughable. It's not even "opinion", as you say. It's just a fundamental fact that he has to be.
  4. SM MD Dorn

    LOL. Lukic's dumber than i am
  5. Frizzed WC Welker


    Anyhow, it's amazing how underrated a good defending half is and in Lukics matter, a good defensive fullback.

    Wingers are heading down that road aswell.
  6. Cribbage RG Cribb

    ****ing bull!

  7. Lukic L Popovic

    Fullbacks aren't picked on how well they defend.

    They are picked on support, positioning, under the highball etc etc..
  8. SM MD Dorn

    Why block/ignore Lukic when quality posts like this keep me laughing :laugh:

    Sure your not a NSW selector?
  9. Lukic L Popovic

    SM, look at yourself in the mirror and just laugh at how much of a faggot you are please.

    Then leave the site for the benefit of others.

    I wish I was a selector, so we wouldn't be down 3 series in a row like we are now.

    Actually, I rate you a fair chance of being a selector tbh.
  10. SM MD Dorn

    Deadset Thickshit Lukic....
  11. LukeTyson L Tyson

    You. ****ing. Fail.
  12. Fungus K Fung

    That is part of defending...
  13. Pretzel P Retzel

    Yeah. The qualities you listed are defensive qualities.
  14. Lukic L Popovic


    I meant tackle.

    FFS, I do fail.
  15. SM MD Dorn

    All i ever need to see really

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