
Discussion in 'Entertainment Lounge' started by Sultan Pepper, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. MrPrez CM Dyer

    Lets just say fy is banned and had a post deleted.

  2. Iridium IT Lee

    Indians are still pretty smart. One of the Indians I work with just got dux at his school.

    Fiery comment. Got deleted I'm guessing.

    lol, probably all at home playing video games.
  3. MrPrez CM Dyer

    Yeah indians are smart, like watered down asians really.
  4. Sultan Pepper HG Emm

    Think I'm gonna have to purchase one, My laptop has sat gathering dust for an age now, don't think I've turned the thing on for 6months+.

    I think I'd get good use from an ipad, would use it for tafe, web browsing and probably instead of reading the paper of a morning. Thanks for the feedback.
  5. Julian BJ Taylor

    yeah iPad ftw. only thing I have used my desktop for in the past 8 months or so is downloading stuff and then putting said stuff onto my iPad.

    considering a huge percentage of files are mp4 these days iPads are just perfect for what I use them for.
  6. PaulFromOz PF Oz

    What's it like watching movies on them? Is the sound loud enough? Can you watch a full movie without it going flat/battery life?
  7. Iridium IT Lee

    Sound isn't bad. If its not loud enough just chuck in a set of headphones. You should be easily able to get though a movie with battery to spare. I got my iPad last Wednesday and only charged it for the first time on Tuesday and that was almost a week of watching YouTube videos, downloading apps, web browsing connected to wifi.
  8. MrPrez CM Dyer

    Haha does anyone have Jenna bot? Was actually expecting it to be better given it won so many awards.
  9. Starris ER Starris

    been looking at the new asus, samsung and nexus tablets.
    any advice?
  10. Iridium IT Lee

    Nexus 7 is great but I haven't tried the Nexus 10. Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 is pretty good but I still prefer iOS on a tablet over Android.

    Which Asus are you referring to btw?
  11. MrPrez CM Dyer

    Galaxy is a bitch when it comes to charging time. Longest in its market.
  12. Iridium IT Lee

    Well considering how big the battery is it should take a while. I'm pretty sure my iPad took about 8 or 9 hours to charge.
  13. Magic AJ Parker


    I thought the advantages of open source would even greater than on a phone. Being able to download torrents and all...
  14. Flack SA Flack

    Can't suck apples cock though.

    I'm not sure why people really want tablets. It's like an inbetween of a phone and a latop, two things most people have these days. It just doesn't do anything I can't already, as far as I can see.
  15. Captain SSD Dong

    The only thing I'd use it for is to browse the web while lazing around on the couch or bed.
  16. Starris ER Starris

    We were looking at the tranformer prime and infinity and the vivos.

    pretty much what it'll be used for and holidays.
  17. Cribbage RG Cribb

    Agree. If I want to carry around something that's too big to fit in my pocket then I'll just take my laptop. To me there would just seem to be way too much overlap in a phone, a tablet, a laptop and a PC. I don't see myself ever owning all four; I'd probably only ever get a tablet to replace my laptop, and the functionality's just not there yet.
  18. MrPrez CM Dyer

    Yeah I'd only have bought one if I had tons of cash and wanted a new toy. It makes no sense to have all 3 for functionality purposes, particularly with windows 8 being so tablet like.
  19. Magic AJ Parker

    Yeh I agree with most of the views above. Tablets just don't interest me much, the transformers make more sense but I wouldn't buy one until they dramatically improve.
  20. hedger OX Gbagbo

    I'd probably get one if I didn't have a laptop tbh. Not much point when I have a laptop already, but one that's kaput, I'll probably replace it with a tablet, so long as it is cost effective to do so.

    Or maybe not, need to play Football Manager somehow.

    In any event, as a technologist, I'd say, due to continued convergence and Moore's Law, tablets and similar devices are here to stay for the forseeable future, meaning laptops will slowly be phased out.

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